
MyFavArtist App - This application will use last.fm to get popular artist based on region.

Getting started

To get this app running locally:

Basic Configuration


  • This app uses listening port 8080, need to update the lastfm auth key to run

Build and run

Compile and generate binary or docker image:

  • How to compile and generate binary
    • Put the code in GOPATH which is usually ($HOME/go/src)
    • Optional: Run go install will get the dependency packages (Go mod take care of this anyway)
    • cd to myfavartist directory, Run go build -o bin/myfavartist main.go (This will generate binary file name myfavartist in bin directory)

Building and runnning app from docker image:

  • cd to myfavartist directory
  • To build into docker image docker build . -t myfavartist:1.0
  • To list images from the local docker hub repo docker images
  • To run docker image docker run -it -d -p 8080:8080 myfavartist:1.0 (This will run myfavartist app and listen on port 8080)

Unit Test

Unit Testing

  • This app uses go programming languages default test framework

  • cd to myfavartist directory, Run go test ./... from project directory, this command will get the result something similar below

    [user@dev utils]$ go test -v ./...

Application Usage

Curl command to get artist detail based on region

  • Run curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" \-H "Accept: application/json" "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/artist/italy" (This will fectch if the artist and track details)