
An evolutionary biology analysis suite bridging sequence data to phylogenetic trees.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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An evolutionary biology analysis suite bridging sequence data to phylogenetic trees.

Extra Documentation


Bridge is a genetic analysis toolkit built using Python. It currently has support for:

  • Acquiring biological sequences from different databases
  • Running BLAST searches
  • Filtering downloaded sequences results based off taxonomy
  • Filtering BLAST results based off taxonomy
  • Aligning sequences
  • Generating phylogenetic trees

Currently, Bridge can search GenBank and Ensembl for biological sequences. From these sources, one can download:

  • Gene sequences
  • Transcript sequences
  • Protein sequences



From source

  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/ashenafee/Bridge.git
  1. Navigate to the repository
cd Bridge
  1. Make the setup script executable
chmod +x ./setup
  1. Run the setup script
  1. Activate the virtual environment
source "venv/bin/activate"
  1. Launch the program
python bridge.py --help


Downloading sequences

To download sequences, specify which database you'd like to download from and provide the species name(s) as well as sequence(s) you'd like to download.

Downloading from GenBank

python bridge.py -gb -g GENE -s SPECIES -o OUTPUT

For example, say we want to download the following genes for the species Homo sapiens:

  • TRPA1
  • RHO
  • TP53

We can do so by running the following command:

python bridge.py -gb -g "TRPA1,RHO,TP53" -s "Homo sapiens" -o "sequences.fasta"

Downloading from Ensembl

python bridge.py -es -g GENE -s SPECIES -o OUTPUT

For example, say we want to download the following genes for the species Homo sapiens:

  • TRPA1
  • RHO
  • TP53

We can do so by running the following command:

python bridge.py -es -g "TRPA1,RHO,TP53" -s "Homo sapiens" -o "sequences.fasta"

Running BLAST searches

To run BLAST searches, specify the file containing the sequences you'd like to search against.

Running BLAST searches with default parameters

python bridge.py -b -f FILE -o OUTPUT

For example, say we have a file named sequences.fasta and want to run BLAST on it. Then we can do so by running the following command:

python bridge.py -b -f "sequences.fasta" -o "blast_results.txt"

Running BLAST searches with custom parameters

python bridge.py -b -f FILE -bp PARAMETERS -o OUTPUT

For example, say we have a file named sequences.fasta and want to run BLAST on it with the following parameters:

  • evalue = 0.001
  • word_size = 11
  • gapopen = 11
  • max_target_seqs = 5

We can do so by running the following command:

python bridge.py -b -f "sequences.fasta" -bp "evalue=0.001,word_size=11,gapopen=11,max_target_seqs=5" -o "blast_results.txt"

Running BLAST searches with a gene and species

python bridge.py -b -g GENE -s SPECIES -o OUTPUT

For example, say we want to run BLAST using RHO in the species Homo sapiens. We can do so by running the following command:

python bridge.py -b -g "RHO" -s "Homo sapiens" -o "blast_results.txt"

Filtering results

To filter results, specify the file containing the results you'd like to filter and the taxonomy you'd like to filter by.

Filtering BLAST results

python bridge.py -ft TAXONOMY -f FILE -o OUTPUT -bf

For example, say we have a file named blast_results.txt and want to filter it by the taxonomy Mammalia. Then we can do so by running the following command:

python bridge.py -ft "Mammalia" -f "blast_results.txt" -o "filtered.txt" -bf

Filtering downloaded sequences

python bridge.py -ft TAXONOMY -f SUMMARY_FILE -o OUTPUT

For example, say we have a file named summary.txt and want to filter it by the taxonomy Mammalia. Then we can do so by running the following command:

python bridge.py -ft "Mammalia" -f "summary.txt" -o "filtered.txt"

Note: This only works for sequences downloaded from GenBank.

Aligning sequences

To align sequences, specify the file containing the sequences you'd like to align.

Aligning using MUSCLE

python bridge.py -a "muscle" -t RANK -f FILE -o OUTPUT

For example, say we have a file named sequences.fasta and want to align it using MUSCLE. Then we can do so by running the following command:

python bridge.py -a "muscle" -t "order" -f "sequences.fasta" -o "aligned.fasta"

This will create an alignment file named aligned.fasta, which is then used to generate a tree. The distribution of sequences in the tree will be displayed by the specified rank (i.e., 20% of species in the alignment are Primates).

Frequently Asked Questions

When running the setup script, I get virtualenv command not found. How do I fix this?

It's likely that virtualenv is not bundled with your installation of Python. Run the command below and then re-run the setup script to fix the issue:

pip install virtualenv

Known issues

  • Cannot search GenBank for large (~500) amounts of sequences at once
  • Cannot accurately specify how many BLAST results to return
  • Installing MUSCLE dynamically is difficult on macOS due to chip architecture differences


  • Add filtering capabilities for BLAST results
  • Allow the user to search for a gene and species to run a BLAST search on
  • Add support for aligning sequences
  • Add support for phylogenetic tree generation
  • Add automatic BLAST download if not found in PATH
  • Create a basic GUI to make the program more user-friendly


Contributions are welcome! If you run into a new issue, please create a new issue on the issues page. If you'd like to contribute to the project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.


  • Ashenafee Mandefro - Whole project - ashenafee


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.