#Student Transcript

  • This project accepts any number of students, any number of courses information and prints a student transcript.
  • The application separates each student, sorts courses taken by year and by semester.
  • The application also calculates and prints students total credits and gpa of a student.

The Application is constructed from six different classes: 1. TranscriptApp Class 2. Student Class 3. Loader Class 4. Validator Class 5. Course Class 6. Address Class

##1. TranscriptApp TranscriptApp Class is the one that has the main() method. This is where the application really begins executing. To leave this page logically clean the Valdator class is used to interact and store student informations but this main app class does the facilitation and the final out put print. ##2. Student Class This class is used to create the object ##3. Loader class This class as its name describes loads hardcoded students info or arraylists to the service process. ##4. Validator class This class being behind the application main class does the service work ##5. Course class This class helps to create course object ##6. Address class The address class helps to create address object to each student.

* The application uses bubble sort method to sort the arraylist according to year of course taken and season
* The Four seasons are taken as school semester system ("summer", "fall", "winter", "spring")
* User is forced to enter either of the four seasons. validation is done before setting the semester
* That ensures sorting courses by year and semester is possible and easy.

I love this exercise. I really enjoyed it.

##PSEUDOCODE declare an arraylist to hold all the students info start instantiate validator class to begin loading hardcoded sample students into our arraylist start the application from validator class call print all method() // print all method does the following declare validator object copy all students information or arraylist from validator (loading) declare and intialize two variables for year // after the first run one variable takes current value and the other takes the previous declare and intialize two variables for semester // after the first run one variable takes current value and the other takes the previous FOR(index from zero to arraylist size) print name and student id from teh arraylist using current index (method call) put year of current index course in a variable put semester of current index course in a vairable IF(the two year variables are not same){ print academic year and semester print table head for the course information (method call used) ELSE IF( the two year variable are equal) IF(the two semester variables are not equal) // that means the next course's semester changes print current semester END IF ELSE print new line END IF assign the current year variable to the previous assign the current semester variable to the previous print current index course information in line END FOR LOOP end

////////////////////////////////////////////TEST DATA - 1//////////////////////////// Welcome to the Transcript Application.

--------------Student Infor-------------- Enter Student First Name: James Enter Student Last Name: Ronaldo Enter Student ID: MC2525

--------------Student Address-------------- Enter Student Address, First Enter Street Name: 2050 Frederick Address, Enter City: Gaithersburg Address, Enter State: MD Address, Enter Zip Code: 20205

--------------Course Information-------------- Enter Courses taken: Enter Course Number: Java1051 Enter Course Name: Introduction to Java Enter Course Credit Hour: 4 Enter Course Grade: A Enter Academic Year: 2015 Enter Semester: semmer

please type either of this? (summer, fall, winter, spring

Enter Semester: wint

please type either of this? (summer, fall, winter, spring

Enter Semester: fall

Do you have more courses to ADD? (y/n) n

Do you have more Students to ADD? (y/n) n

Student Name: Ayele Zola Student ID: MC6325

Academic Year: 1999, Semester: Fall

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

Java1012 Introduction to Java 3 A 4.0

Academic Year: 2000, Semester: Summer

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

DB2562 Database 3 B 3.0

Academic Year: 2008, Semester: Summer

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

Bstr111 Boorstrap for JavaScript 3 B 3.0
Jenk888 Jenkins 2 A 4.0
Jenk333 Jenkins2 2 B 3.0

                     -------------------------------------Semester: Fall-------------------------------------

Jenk111 Jenkins5 2 D 1.0
Spring111 Advance Spring boot 3 A 4.0
Dist2222 Distributed Systems 3 B 3.0
Netw1111 Networking 3 C 2.0

                     -------------------------------------Semester: Winter-------------------------------------

Jenk222 Jenkins4 2 C 2.0
html222 Advanced Front Web Page 4 A 4.0

                     -------------------------------------Semester: Spring-------------------------------------

HTML2252 HTML 2 A 4.0
Java222 Java Core 3 A 4.0
ACAD555 AutoCad Advanced 3 C 2.0

Academic Year: 2010, Semester: Spring

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

Pyth5263 Python 3 F 0.0

Academic Year: 2011, Semester: Spring

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

Mavn5632 Maven 4 D 1.0

Academic Year: 2020, Semester: Winter

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

Seln1012 Selenium 2 C 2.0

                                                     Student Total Credits: 47.0         CGPA:  2.70

Student Name: John Smith Student ID: MC5552

Academic Year: 1990, Semester: Summer

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

CSS2531 Cascaded sheet 4 B 3.0

Academic Year: 1997, Semester: Summer

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

Test325 Software Testing 3 F 0.0

Academic Year: 1998, Semester: Summer

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

Test325 Software Testing 3 C 2.0

Academic Year: 2000, Semester: Fall

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

Javs1111 JavaScript 3 A 4.0

                                                     Student Total Credits: 13.0         CGPA:  2.31

Student Name: Adam Teferi Student ID: MC5552

Academic Year: 1990, Semester: Summer

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

CSS2531 Cascaded sheet 4 B 3.0

Academic Year: 2000, Semester: Fall

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

Javs1111 JavaScript 3 A 4.0

Academic Year: 2004, Semester: Summer

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

Test2588 Software Testing 3 A 4.0

Academic Year: 2008, Semester: Winter

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

Web1520 Web Design 1 4 B 3.0
Web2220 Web Design 2 4 B 3.0

                                                     Student Total Credits: 18.0         CGPA:  3.33

Student Name: James Ronaldo Student ID: MC2525

Academic Year: 2015, Semester: fall

Course Number Course Name Credit hours Grade Quality Points

Java1051 Introduction to Java 4 A 4.0

                                                     Student Total Credits: 4.0          CGPA:  4.00