


  • Ran three different sensors on Platformio
    • Grove Baromterer BME 280
    • Grove Sunlight
    • LightGestureColorProximity TMG39931
  • Put all three sensors on one output, code and the physical setup
    • the three sensors were in 'parallel', which was simply twisting wires for SDA, SCL, GND, VIN together.
      • Note: SDA=White=A4, SCL=Yellow=A5, GND=Black, VIN=Red=5V, typically
  • When importing new libraries, check on platformio for pre-existing ones. If downloading, can have platformio unzip the whole library, and also specify a global path


  • Use pyserial to get timestamps for when input is received from USB and eventually collect data into csv
  • Read Lakitha's thesis proposal

13/12/2019 - Group Meeting



  • Central Node (Lakith's project) has 6 different components (with another Lightning/audio sensor coming from John)
    • Ozone sensor
    • LORA
    • PC
    • Power
    • Light sensor
    • Air sensor
  • Objective is to create 10 of these Central Nodes


  • Took down dimensions of the Ozone sensor's housing and the board on which the sensor is seated on


  • Draw up the dimensions on FreeCAD
  • Read up on the 3D printing documentations and produce the boards
  • Follow up with Lakitha on setting up the circuit and completing the Ozone sensor (this step should have multiple sub-steps)
  • Move on to the other sensors on the Central Node



  • Finished up the 3D model, 20% printed board available at the end of the day
  • Retrieved ozone sensor data into a csv file. Of course, complete code already written up on mints git.


  • Set up Ozone sensor box with Lakitha tomorrow
  • Review serial port reading code some more
  • Upload the gcode file to mints3D