
Observability Demo Project (using Springboot, Grafana, Prometheus, Tempo, Loki, Micrometer etc.)

Primary LanguageJava

Springboot Observability Demo


This demo project includes 2 springboot microservices: loan-service and fraud-detection-service.

When a loan creation request is received from a customer, loan-service will make a call to fraud-detection-service and verify that this customer is not included in a known fraud lists maintained in a MySQL database.


Observability tools like Grafana, Prometheus, Tempo, Loki, and Micrometer are used for instrumentation and telemetry purposes.



  • Observability: Ability to understand, monitor, and debug the internal state and behavior of applications through different indicators (such as metrics, logs, traces).
  • Instrumentation: Instrumenting a code path involves adding monitoring and logging mechanisms within the code to collect data about its execution and behavior. This process typically involves inserting additional code (instrumentation) into the application's source code at strategic points to gather relevant information.
  • Telemetry: Automated collection and transmission of data from a system's various components to a centralized location for analysis and monitoring. Telemetry data typically includes metrics, logs, traces, and events generated by the system.
  • Metrics: Gathering quantitative data about the system's performance, such as response times, error rates, throughput, and resource utilization.
  • Logs: Capturing and analyzing log messages generated by various components of the system to provide insights into its behavior, including errors, warnings, and informational events.
  • Tracing: Tracing the flow of requests through the system across multiple components and services, enabling developers to identify performance bottlenecks, latency issues, and dependencies.
  • Distributed Context: Propagating contextual information (such as request IDs, user IDs, and transaction IDs) across distributed components to facilitate correlation and troubleshooting of distributed transactions.
  • Events: Capturing and analyzing significant events and changes in the system, such as deployments, configuration changes, and security-related events.
  • Visualizations: Presenting the collected data in a meaningful and intuitive manner, often through dashboards, graphs, and charts, to enable developers and operators to quickly understand the system's behavior.
  • Alerts: Setting up alerts and notifications to promptly notify developers and operators about abnormal or unexpected behavior in the system, allowing them to take proactive action.
  • Debugging Tools: Providing developers with tools and capabilities for debugging and diagnosing issues in the system, such as interactive debugging, profiling, and performance monitoring.
  • Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP): AOP is an approach to programming that allows global properties of a program to determine how it is compiled into an executable program. An aspect is a subprogram that is associated with a specific property of a program (i.e. a common behavior that's typically scattered across methods, classes, object hierarchies, or even entire object models.). AOP extends the traditional Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) model to improve code reuse across different object hierarchies. AOP focuses on the separation of concerns while traditional OOP (Object-oriented programming) focuses on the encapsulation of data and behavior into objects.

Tech Stack

  • Java 21

  • Springboot 3.2.4: Java web application framework.

  • Maven 3.9.6: Java dependency manager and build tool.

  • Lombok: Java annotation library to reduce boilerplate code.

  • spring-boot-starter-aop: Maven dependency to enable Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP).

  • Grafana: Tool to visualize and monitor metrics, logs, traces etc. This brings all services like Tempo, Loki, and Prometheus together to visualize their information. The docker/grafana/datasource.yml file defines data sources from which Grafana needs to gather data to visualize.

  • Logback: Java logging library.
  • loki-logback-appender: Logback log appender for Grafana Loki. resources/logback-spring.xml file includes how the Logback appender should structure logs and where to send them (i.e. Loki URL).
  • RestTemplate Spring Bean: Provides a high-level API over HTTP client libraries. It can implement efficient request/response logging capability with metrics and traces, which can be used to debug exchange between two servers. e.g. As we are using a RestTemplate to call origin service from destination service, the traceId and spanId are generated and propagated automatically.
  • Grafana Loki: Tool to aggregate and index logs to be visualized using Grafana.
  • Micrometer: Code instrumentation tool with a vendor-neutral tracing facade (a.k.a. tracing bridge) support for collecting, preparing, and sending metrics and traces to aggregators like Prometheus. Available tracing bridge implementations include micrometer-tracing-bridge-brave for Brave and micrometer-tracing-bridge-otel for OpenTelemetry formats.
  • micrometer-tracing-bridge-brave: Maven dependency to add distributed tracing capabilities for application using Micrometer.
  • datasource-micrometer-spring-boot: Maven dependency to use Micrometer and trace calls to the database from Spring Data JDBC.
  • zipkin-reporter-brave: Maven dependency to export tracing information to Tempo.
  • Brave — Distributed tracing instrumentation library supporting both W3C & B3 trace context and propagation formats and main compatible with Zipkin backend services (also supporting Amazon X-Ray and other services using third-party plugins).
  • Zipkin — Distributed tracing tool for visualizing, monitoring, and troubleshooting distributed traces in service architectures.
  • Grafana Tempo: Distributed tracing backend, deeply integrated with Grafana, Prometheus, and Loki. Tempo can ingest common open source tracing protocols, including Jaeger, Zipkin, and OpenTelemetry. Tempo configurations can be specified in docker/tempo/tempo.yml file.
  • spring-boot-starter-actuator: Maven dependency to collect metrics of our application such as JVM statistics, Thread Count, Heap Memory information, etc. Metrics supported by Springboot Actuator can be found here: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/actuator.html#actuator.metrics.supported.
  • micrometer-registry-prometheus: Maven dependency to enable Micrometer (e.g. at runtime) and expose an endpoint that can be scraped by metric aggregators like Prometheus.
  • Prometheus: Tool to aggregate metrics. It expects a configurations file that specifies where to scrape metrics etc.: docker/prometheus/prometheus.yml
  • MySQL: Relational database.
  • JDBC: Java API to connect and execute queries with a relational database (e.g. MySQL).
  • Flyway: Tool to run database migrations.
  • datasource-micrometer-spring-boot: Maven dependency to trace database calls (using Spring Data JDBC).

Observability Configurations

On resources/application.properties file:

  • management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=health, info, metrics, prometheus: exposes the endpoints health, info, metrics, and prometheus through springboot actuator.
  • management.metrics.distribution.percentiles-histogram.http.server.requests=true: instruct micrometer to gather the metrics in the form of a histogram and send it to Prometheus. Read more: https://micrometer.io/docs/concepts#_histograms_and_percentiles
  • management.tracing.sampling.probability=1.0: instruct micrometer to send 100% (= 1.0) of the traces it generates to Tempo. By default, Micrometer Tracing will only send 10% (= 0.1) of the traces it generates to Tempo to avoid overwhelming it with a lot of requests.

Initial Setup

The 2 main services were initialized as a fresh project with Springboot Web dependency (https://start.spring.io/).

Project: Maven
Language: Java
Springboot version: 3.2.4
Group: demo.services
Name: loan-service
Artifact: loan-service
Packaging: Jar
Java version: 21
Dependencies: spring-boot-starter-web, lombok

Then, extract fresh project and clean up unnecessary files.

rm -rf .mvn mvnw mvnw.cmd HELP.md

Develop project files, docker files, config files etc.

For services to work, first start docker containers for enabling access to database and observability components.

docker-compose up -d

Docker containers will run on below ports.

MySQL: localhost:3316
Grafana: http://localhost:3000
Prometheus: http://localhost:9090
Tempo: http://localhost:3110
Loki: http://localhost:3100

Optionally, log into MySQL.

mysql -u root -p
    > password: mysql
mysql -u root -pmysql

Build services.

pushd services/fraud-detection-service
mvn clean install

pushd services/loan-service
mvn clean install

To run and debug the application, go to the main class of fraud-detection-service (FraudDetectionServiceApplication.java) and run it in debug mode using IDE. Repeat the same for loan-service main class (LoanServiceApplication.java) as well.

During the application startup, database tables (src/main/resources/db/migration/V1__create_tables.sql) and test data (src/main/resources/data.sql) will be created from resources files.

Now make some calls to GET/loan and POST/loan endpoints using a tool like cURL or Postman (import from springboot-observability-demo.postman_collection.json).

# GET/loan | loan-service: get all loans
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/loan'

# POST/loan | loan-service: approve loan 
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/loan' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "customerName": "{{$randomUserName}}",
    "customerId": {{$randomInt}},
    "amount": {{$randomInt}},
    "currency": "USD"


Navigate to Grafana dashboard via http://localhost:3000 and select Explore from the left sidebar. Under the dropdown, select Loki and run a sample query (e.g. application label -> loan-service).


Switch to Prometheus and run the same query.


Go back to Loki and expand a log line to find its TraceID. Click on the Tempo button next it to open up a Tempo view from right side. Inspect how to loan-service has made a call to fraud-detection service and how that trace is tracked using TraceID.


Expand the trace in Tempo to inspect how loan service calls fraud-detection service, how the fraud-detection service queries MySQL database for already-known fraud users, how loan service saves the loan details to MySQL database etc.


Feel free to switch to different tab views and experiment with different queries.