
TestLink to TFS Test Suite Migration Tool

Primary LanguageClojure


testlink2tfs is a tool designed to migrate test cases from TestLink to TFS. The following fields are migrated:

  • Test Case name
  • Summary (TestLink) → Description (TFS) (migrates images too!)
  • Steps + Expected results (TestLink) → Steps (Action column) in TFS

Note: Attachments are not migrated, test suite hierarchy in TestLink is not preserved!


Download latest version from SourceForge.


First you need to create the config file to be used:

    url:         http://testlink-server/testlink/lib/api/xmlrpc.php
    tsid:        00000                             # root test suite id
    devkey:      00000000000000000000000000000000  # dev key for test link
    www-prefix:  http://testlink-server            # base directory for test link
    norec:       true                              # no recursive (will migrate only direct child items for tsid,
                                                   #    otherwise will plain import all children without preserving test suite hierarchy)
    url:         https://tfs.yourcompany.com/tfs/DefaultCollection      # tfs collection url
    project:     Test_Project                                           # tfs project
    login:       domain\user                                            # credentials
    password:    yourpassword                                           #

The plain running of jar looks like:

$ java -Dcom.microsoft.tfs.jni.native.base-directory=redist\native -jar testlink2tfs-0.1.0-standalone.jar tl2tfs.conf

For convenience you can use the testlink2tfs.bat file:

$ testlink2tfs.bat tl2tfs.conf


$ testlink2tfs config-path [case-limit]
  • config-path: path to config file (required)
  • case-limit: number of testcases to import (optional; mostly useful for testing)

Known issues

  • Exception when there are two images with the same name in summary during import

If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements please use issue tracker.


Copyright © 2013 Materialise Dental Ukraine

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.