APSIM using Docker

Running APSIM through docker can simplify the setup. Docker provides a method to get the dependencies and functionality in a single digital object that runs across multiple operating systems.

After setting up docker, you need to pull the APSIM image, ensure the target .apsimx file is properly configured for you system, and run a docker container using the simulate file as input. If you are beginning with examples from the ApsimX repo, also make sure you've clone have the code locally so it can be mounted to the docker container.

1. Pull the APSIM Docker Image

Ensure docker is running. Then pull the apsimng image. You only need to do this once.

docker pull apsiminitiative/apsimng

2. Run an Example Simulation

# Navigate your terminal to you copy of ApsimX (cloned from https://github.com/APSIMInitiative/ApsimX)
cd /your/path/to/APSIMInitiative/ApsimX

#To run APSIM, we launch a container (which essentially intantiates a live process from the static image)
docker run -i --rm -v "$PWD:/ApsimX" apsiminitiative/apsimng /ApsimX/Examples/Wheat.apsimx

The above:

  • uses the run command to launch a container from the apsiminitiative/apsimng image
  • passes the -i flag to run in interactive mode (attached to the terminal)
  • passes the --rm flag to tell docker to delete the container once the simulation finishes (saving disk space by not accumulating stopped containers)
  • passes the -v command to mount a volume. This mounts the present working directory on the host machine to /ApsimX within the docker container so it has access to the examples at ApsimX/Examples.


Usage on Non-Windows Machines (e.g., Mac or Linux)

The above Wheat example (and others) in ApsimX/Examples/*.apsimx specify file locations using a Windows file string convention. You'll need to modify any specified files in the .apsimx file to match your OS.

In the above example, Mac/Linux users will likely need to change the filepath specified in the Models.Climate.Weather from "%root%\\Examples\\WeatherFiles\\Dalby.met" to "/ApsimX/Examples/WeatherFiles/Dalby.met"

Customizing the Docker Container Call

  • When building your own workflow, you will likely want to modify the volume mount and .apsimx file locations.
  • Extra switches can be appended to the docker run command to utilise extra functionality. Some examples are the --verbose, --apply, and any others you can use with Models.exe. Additional docker run options are listed in the docker documentation.