sendclip allows users to send text directly to the
clipboards of other machines

config file `.sendclip` in the user's home directory
will be used to specify any number of IP addresses of
if no config file exists, sendclip will only attempt to
send to the recipient argument

sendclip depends on's incredible
libclipboard, as well as my pooler library for
threadpool support

sendclip becomes a very powerful tool when set up to be
called with arbitrary selected text as its argument
when a keyboard shortcut is pressed
this creates an easy to use, very fast way to send
text to other computers

on linux, for example, i have set up a keyboard
shortcut for `shift-alt-quotation_mark` in my window
manager config to call a shell script containing the
following: `~/sendclip/sc "$(xsel)"`
each time shift-alt-quotation_mark is pressed, any
selected text on screen is sent to all IP addresses
listed in $HOME/.sendclip

on mac os, i have set up an automator service to
`receive selected text` in `any application` and `run
shell script` - the shell script i have used is:
    `~/sendclip/sc "$1"`
i then, similarly to in linux, set up a keyboard
shortcut for `shift-command-quotation_mark` to run this
automator service

sendclip behavior using these two methods is identical

sendclip can be safely exited using CTRL-C

NOTE: <required>, {optional}
  ./sc <text> {ip} - send <text> to {ip}'s clipboard
                   | as well as all ip addresses set
                   | in config file
  ./sc             - await connections

  ./sc -help       - print this usage information