
The starting point of the Angular 2 with Firebase course

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Repository contents

This repository contains the full application of the course Angular and Firebase - Build a Web Application, so this contains the complete application like it will look like at the end of the course.

Angular firebase course

Looking for the full application repo ?

If you are looking for a repository containing the full application that is built during the course, please check this repository instead.

Angular University Lessons Code

Contains the code for all the Angular University courses.

Angular for Beginners course

Which Course are You Looking For ?

If you are looking for the Complete Angular With Typescript Course, the repo can be found here:

Complete Typescript 2 Course - Build A REST API

If you are looking for the Complete Typescript 2 Course - Build a REST API, the repo with the full code can be found here:

Complete Typescript 2 Course - Build A REST API

Complete Typescript Course

Angular Ngrx Reactive Extensions Architecture Course

If you are looking for the Angular Ngrx Reactive Extensions Architecture Course code, the repo with the full code can be found here:

Angular Ngrx Reactive Extensions Architecture Course

Angular Ngrx Course

Installation pre-requisites

For running this project we need and npm installed on our machine. These are some tutorials to install node in different operating systems:

Its important to install the latest version of Node

Installing the Angular CLI

With the following command the angular-cli will be installed globally in your machine:

npm install -g angular-cli

Installing the code

The code can be installed with the following command (needs to be run in the folder where package.json is):

npm install 

Running the code

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.