
MVP of Proton Analytics for my own cross-platform games.

Primary LanguageC#

Proton Analytics v4

MVP of Proton Analytics for my own cross-platform games. Fourth iteration of this product. Goal is bare-minimum; I am the only customer, and I can query data from SQL tools directly.

Analytics Client

Important note: the client library requires OpenFL (which we use to persist the client ID). If you need this for other frameworks, or for things other than games, consider using a different approach, like using OpenFL to persist the client GUID.

To setup the client library and consume it, run haxelib dev proton-analytics . from the client directory.

Key notes:

  • Create a persistent AnalyticsClient instance so that if the server is unreachable, the client will keep retrying. (eg. create a static instance in a PaClient.hx class).
  • Call startSession in Main.hx or in your first state.
  • endSession is automatically called every minute.

If you care about knowing the exact end-session time:

  • For mobile: create a base/common FlxState that overrides onFocusLost and calls endSession. This tracks the client switching away from your app on mobile.
  • For desktop: add this code block to Main.hx: stage.addEventListener(openfl.events.Event.DEACTIVATE, PaClient.endSession);.
  • HTML5 isn't possible at this time. When HaxeFlixel updates to OpenFL 5.x or newer, we should be able to use stage.application.onExit(function(exitCode) { PaClient.endSession(); } instead. For reference, see this issue on GitHub.