README for Catminator

The application has been created for test purposes to simulate the random
process of searching cats by their owners on the tube stations of London.

The project consists of the following classes:

OwnerCat.java - consists of Cat and Owner classes which represent information
                about particular cat and particular owner (their location,
				visited station for a human etc).

StationManager.java - includes Station and StationManager classes which store
                     information about stations' graph ans Station itself with
					 the possible routes to move.

MetricsController.java - stores and calculates information about the search
                         process such as total number of cats, found cats,
						 total moves made while searching etc.

Catminator.java - This is the main component of the search cat application.
                  It creates number of cats and owners with the corresponding
                  ids, runs the initialization and search process.


Can be built by creating project in the any java IDE and adding all files mentioned
above there.
In order to run please either run the project in IDE or from console by executing:
java Catminator

Please put tfl_stations.csv and tfl_connections.csv in the same directory as the class files.
In case of running in IDE you could just add them to the project.