
Working through Vue JS and learning to build Web clients for Laravel APIs

Primary LanguageVue


Learning the basics of building applications using Vue Js

Topics Covered:

  1. Using Vue CLI -

    • installing it globally
    • creating apps with it
  2. Vue Router Basics

    • Setting up vue router
    • Difference between Components and views
    • Creating project specific views
    • adding routes to these views
    • Advantages of named routes
    • Project Initalization
  3. Dynamic Routing & HTML5 History mode

    • how dynamic routes help SPAs
    • What is history mode
    • How to solve problems of History Mode in: a) Browsers b) Servers c) the curious case of 404 error not showing
  4. Single File Components

    • Component Anatomy
    • Nested Components
    • Global & Scoped Styles
  5. Global Components

    • Why and when to use
    • Automatic registration of Global Components.
    • Create global components
  6. Slots

    • Slots basics
    • Default Slot Contents
    • Named Slots
  7. API calls with Axios

    • Get started with Axios
    • Mocking a server using json-server in vue
    • Make API calls
    • Component Lifecycle and when to call APIs
    • Creating services for API calls for modular apps
  8. Making Commands to run in package.json

Project setup

npm install

Running Locally for development

npm run start