- 2
danger-swiftlint 0.34.0 fails on Jenkins CI
#197 opened by ilkeyucel - 2
- 1
Remove native extensions
#203 opened by manicmaniac - 14
- 2
`swiftlint.lint_files inline_mode` doesn't care about the exclusion of .swiftlint
#184 opened by aelam - 0
Update to SWIFTLINT_VERSION 0.50.0
#187 opened by apps4everyone - 3
Update to SwiftLint 0.50.3
#191 opened by FabienLydoire - 33
Excluded files are being linted
#87 opened by noremac - 7
Failed to run swiftlint on ubuntu
#177 opened by Dmitry-Pliushchai - 3
- 3
[Question] How to have a "Dynamic" Binary path ?
#185 opened by alexanderwe - 4
- 3
- 7
- 10
Syntax error: "(" unexpected in console when running
#144 opened by Kaspik - 1
'No such file or directory' when the Gemfile and Dangerfile is in a different location than the root
#175 opened - 4
- 5
CI isn't passing
#171 opened by ashfurrow - 2
- 0
Source files that have been moved throw "error opening input file '/path/to/file' (No such file or directory)"
#168 opened by rogerluan - 3
- 7
Lint error for "masterCard" inclusive_language
#165 opened by apps4everyone - 1
Opt out of --config
#160 opened by dirtyhabits97 - 0
The current directory changes for the entire process after calling this plugin
#157 opened by revolter - 2
Having Fallback Dirs Checked for SwiftLint Binary
#156 opened by Blackjacx - 1
Having Fallback Dirs Checked for SwiftLint Binary
#155 opened by stherold - 11
- 2
Skip/remove swiftlint task
#149 opened by aiKrice - 1
[Heads Up] SwiftLint may soon support remote configurations, which won't work out of the box here
#148 opened by mokagio - 3
Inline Swiftlint comments are crossed out
#145 opened by austinwright - 1
- 7
Undefined `swiftlint`?
#138 opened by gdoublev - 8
Inline mode fails if filename has spaces
#115 opened by freak4pc - 1
- 2
- 3
- 1
[Feature Request] Non-commenting option
#129 opened by daniel-beard - 2
Filter out non-inline violations?
#125 opened by daniel-beard - 4
Force SwiftLint version
#123 opened by franciscoamado - 6
- 0
- 2
[Feature Request] Automatically suggest auto corrections
#112 opened by fpg1503 - 17
Inline mode doesn't seem to work
#101 opened by chrisballinger - 1
Can't install gem on a build agent behind firewall
#106 opened by mgrebenets - 3
SwiftLint and danger-swiftlint parse Environment Variable Syntax in .swiftlint.yml differently
#105 opened by heidiproske - 4
SwiftLint 0.26 support
#103 opened by heidiproske - 0
Add release documentation
#100 opened by AvdLee - 7
inline_mode doesn't work with fail_on_error
#91 opened by omirho - 0
Tests don't run with Rake
#92 opened by omirho - 2
Fail on error doesn't work as expected.
#89 opened by omirho