Being a full Stack developer i feel fc*ked 💔 whenever i tries to setup new enviornment for project, there is always some depriciated libraries or some changes in documentation, so a boiler plate is a necessity atleast for me 😬
It's not just some ordinary React native Boilerplate, i have added some of my favourite libraries for different purposes #AWSOME_LIBRARIES
- React-Native #️⃣
- Redux #️⃣
- Wix-navigation #️⃣
- React-Native Vector Icons #️⃣
- React-Native Typography #️⃣
- React-Native Native-Base #️⃣
- React-Native Dialoge #️⃣
- Clone/Download the Repository.
- Install React-native and NPM to get Started.
- cd into Downloaded Directory
- type npm install and then after npm link
- change label according to your Needs
- attach a avd/USB device and run react-native run-android
- debug if it got any error in java Classes which it will, cd into android folder and run ./gradlew clean
- Read Documentation
- Edit Screen Folder As you want.
- Implement Actions and reducers as you want
React native Community is growing so fast and there is huge confusion with respect to stable build between there third party developers libraries and react-native. So be ready before try any Change. PEACE ✌️