- 0
- 2
ERROR ReferenceError: pattern is not defined
#29 opened by inicu - 3
Pre-packaged .js file
#9 opened by Yobmod - 1
duplicates when auto-generating patterns
#34 opened by theme1256 - 1
Change the color of the pattern
#36 opened by Saroopashree - 2
Publish to
#27 opened by mcandre - 0
- 3
Resizeable patterns
#18 opened by viorell91 - 0
Diagonal shape sizing / missing docs
#26 opened by riksnelders - 3
Tooltips miss the pattern
#21 opened by arvindkumarc - 1
Gradient as pattern's colour
#22 opened by m4tty-d - 5
- 2
Can't compile patternomaly properly
#13 opened by jnovick - 2
pattern.draw doesn't work in IE11
#17 opened by Kota-M - 1
Add support for SVG patterns
#1 opened by ashiguruma - 0
Circle shape removal breaks API
#20 opened by ashiguruma - 1
I can´t create a combination between solid colors and patterns in the same chart
#16 opened by Mareteo-zz - 1
#12 opened by obedm503 - 5
dist folder in ignore file again
#11 opened by dgramma - 2
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
Avoid similar colour/pattern combinations
#5 opened by ashiguruma - 2
- 0
- 0