
ForestDB Couchbase Lite Storage Engine for Java/Android

Primary LanguageJava

Java wrapper around CBForest. Includes SWIG generated java wrappers for CBForest.

Quick Start

$ git clone <repo>
$ cd couchbase-lite-java-forestdb
$ git submodule update --init --recursive


    1. Install SWIG -- Optional: This is required if you want to generate JNI interface files (C/C++/Java) from SWIG interface file.

If you are using Mac OSX

$ brew install swig

Note: Please add ANDROID SDK and NDK home directories in the envronment PATH

export ANDROID_HOME=<Android SDK home directory>
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH

#export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=<NDK home directory>

Build by Gradle

How to generate the AAR file for Android

$ ./gradlew -Pspec=android  assemble
$ cd build/outputs/aar

Run UnitTest for Android

$ ./gradlew  -Pspec=android connectedAndroidTest --debug

How to generate the Jar file for Java Desktop

$ ./gradlew -Pspec=java assemble
$ cd build/libs

Build cbforest by make for Android platform

Generate JNI java and native (C/C++) binding codes by SWIG

$ make swig

Compile JNI native (C/C++) codes by Android NDK

Note: Update Makefile to specify your NDK build command path

$ make ndk-build

Compile JNI java files and make jar file

$ make jar


  • cbforest.jar
  • libs/[platform]/libcbforest.so


Build for Linux

  • Needs to install clang: sudo apt-get install clang for Ubuntu
  • Unable to cross-compile x86 build on 64bit machine. clang does not work with gcc-multilib and g++-multilib. We might needs to switch to GCC, but it requires CBForest code changes.