
sbt plugin for adding/updating license headers in source files

Primary LanguageScala


This is a simple-build-tool plugin for inserting/updating license headers in your source files. It was developed for ease of use and general laziness. Installation

sbt-license-plugin for sbt 0.11.3+ is not yet published anywhere. Sorry. The git repository must be cloned locally and a sbt publish-local must be given.

Add the sbt-license-plugin to your project's (or .sbt's) plugin definition, like so:

i.e. in project/plugins.sbt:

     addSbtPlugin("com.banno" % "sbt-license-plugin" % "0.0.4")
     resolvers += Resolver.file("Local Ivy Repository", file("/home/USER/.ivy2/local/"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

Read more about plugins here and here. Usage

formatLicenseHeaders is a task that is called from the sbt console. In the default LicenseSettings, it is part of the normal compile cycle.

  1. To get the formatLicenseHeaders task that adds customizable header text, import the plugin's keys, and add the LicenseSettings setting to your build definition. Invoking formatLicenseHeaders will add the license to all of your main sources files. Optionally, you can remove any pre-existing header by setting the removeExistingHeaderBlock setting to true.

    i.e. in build.sbt:

      import com.banno.license.Plugin.LicenseKeys._
      removeExistingHeaderBlock := true
      name := "example"
      version := "0.1"
      organization := "com.banno"
  2. To add an apache2 or mit license with a custom copyright line, import the licenses as well and set the license setting like so:

    i.e. in build.sbt:

      import com.banno.license.Plugin.LicenseKeys._
      import com.banno.license.Licenses._
      license := apache2("Copyright 2013")
      removeExistingHeaderBlock := true
      name := "example"
      version := "0.1"
      organization := "com.banno"


Fork away, commit, and send a pull request. Make sure that the tests pass before you submit your pull request.

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