
React Native Wrapper for the Paystack Native Mobile SDKs

Primary LanguageObjective-C

React Native Wrapper for Paystack Mobile SDKs

for Android & iOS by Arttitude 360


  1. Description
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Credits
  5. Changelog
  6. License

1. Description

This React Native module provides a wrapper to add Paystack Payments to your React Native application using the Paystack Android Mobile SDK and the Paystack iOS Mobile SDK libraries.

2. Installation

You can pull in react-native-paystack via npm:

npm install react-native-paystack --save


yarn add react-native-paystack


  • For RN <=0.39 use version 2+ e.g. react-native-paystack@2.2.0
  • For RN >=0.40 use version 3+ e.g. react-native-paystack@3.1.0


Automatic (iOS & Android)

react-native link react-native-paystack 
  • (iOS only): The next steps are necessary for iOS at this time as publishing to NPM seems to break symlinks contained in the Paystack iOS framework shipped with this package, thus causing XCode build errors.
  • Download a fresh copy of the Paystack iOS framework from their releases page on Github.
  • Extract Paystack.framework from the downloaded zip.
  • In XCode's "Project navigator", right click on project name folder ➜ Add Files to <Your-Project-Name>. Ensure Copy items if needed and Create groups are checked and select your copy of Paystack.framework.
  • Your files tree in XCode should look similar to the screenshot below:

  • If you are working with XCode 8+, to allow encryptions work properly with the Paystack SDK, you may need to enable Keychain Sharing for your app. In the Capabilities pane, if Keychain Sharing isn’t enabled, toggle ON the switch in the Keychain Sharing section.

Manual Config (iOS)

  • The following steps are optional, should be taken if you have not run react-native link react-native-paystack already.
  • In XCode's "Project navigator", right click on project name folder ➜ Add Files to <...>. Ensure Copy items if needed and Create groups are checked
  • Go to node_modulesreact-native-paystack/ios ➜ add RNPaystack.xcodeproj.

Manual Config (Android)

  • The following steps are optional, should be taken if you have not run react-native link react-native-paystack already.
  • Add the following in your android/settings.gradle file:
include ':react-native-paystack'
project(':react-native-paystack').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-paystack/android')
  • Add the following in your android/app/build.grade file:
dependencies {
    compile project(':react-native-paystack')
  • Add the following in your ...MainApplication.java file:
import com.arttitude360.reactnative.rnpaystack.RNPaystackPackage;

protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
  return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
      new MainReactPackage(),
      new RNPaystackPackage() //<-- Add line

3. Usage

Import Library

  • For ios, edit your AppDelegate.m file and import the Paystack framework:
#import <Paystack/Paystack.h>
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
  [Paystack setDefaultPublicKey:@"INSERT-PUBLIC-KEY-HERE"];

  • For Android, add the following tag in your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file:
  <meta-data android:name="co.paystack.android.PublicKey" android:value="INSERT-PUBLIC-KEY-HERE"/>

Charging a Card with Access Code (iOS & Android)

It's a cinch to charge a card token using the react-native-paystack module. This is the recommended or the most-preferred workflow favored by the folks at Paystack. Initiate a new transaction on your server side using the appropriate Paystack endpoint - obtain an access_code and complete the charge on your mobile application. Pls note, the SDK assumes you are responsible for building the card form/UI.


To be more elaborate, cardParams is a Javascript Object representing the card to be charged and RNPaystack.chargeCardWithAccessCode() returns a Javascript Promise like:

import RNPaystack from 'react-native-paystack';

chargeCard() {

      cardNumber: '4123450131001381', 
      expiryMonth: '10', 
      expiryYear: '17', 
      cvc: '883',
      accessCode: '2p3j42th639duy4'
	.then(response => {
	  console.log(response); // do stuff with the token
	.catch(error => {
	  console.log(error); // error is a javascript Error object

Request Signature

Argument Type Description
cardNumber string the card number as a String without any seperator e.g 5555555555554444
expiryMonth string the card expiry month as a double-digit ranging from 1-12 e.g 10 (October)
expiryYear string the card expiry year as a double-digit e.g 15
cvc string the card 3/4 digit security code as a String e.g 123
accessCode string the access_code obtained for the charge

Response Object

An object of the form is returned from a successful token request

	reference: "trx_1k2o600w"

Charging a Card (iOS & Android)

Using the react-native-paystack module, you can start and complete a transaction with the mobile Paystack Android and iOS SDKs. With this option, you pass both your charge and card properties to the SDK - with this worklow, you initiate and complete a transaction on your mobile app. Note that as with charging with an access_code, the SDK assumes you are responsible for building the card form/UI.


To be more elaborate, chargeParams is a Javascript Object representing the parameters of the charge to be initiated and RNPaystack.chargeCard() returns a Javascript Promise like:

import RNPaystack from 'react-native-paystack';

chargeCard() {

      cardNumber: '4123450131001381', 
      expiryMonth: '10', 
      expiryYear: '17', 
      cvc: '883',
      email: 'chargeIOS@master.dev',
      amountInKobo: 150000,
      subAccount: 'ACCT_pz61jjjsslnx1d9',
	.then(response => {
	  console.log(response); // card charged successfully, get reference here
	.catch(error => {
	  console.log(error); // error is a javascript Error object

Request Signature (chargeParams)

Argument Type Description
cardNumber string the card number as a String without any seperator e.g 5555555555554444
expiryMonth string the card expiry month as a double-digit ranging from 1-12 e.g 10 (October)
expiryYear string the card expiry year as a double-digit e.g 15
cvc string the card 3/4 digit security code as e.g 123
email string email of the user to be charged
amountInKobo integer the transaction amount in kobo
currency (optional) string sets the currency for the transaction e.g. USD
plan (optional) string sets the plan ID if the transaction is to create a subscription e.g. PLN_n0p196bg73y4jcx
subAccount (optional) string sets the subaccount ID for split-payment transactions e.g. ACCT_pz61jjjsslnx1d9
transactionCharge (optional) integer the amount to be charged on a split-payment, use only when subAccount is set
bearer (optional) string sets which party bears paystack fees on a split-payment e.g. 'subaccount', use only when subAccount is set
reference (optional) string sets the transaction reference which must be unique per transaction

Response Object

An object of the form is returned from a successful charge

	reference: "trx_1k2o600w"

Verifying a Charge

Verify a charge by calling Paystack's REST API with the reference obtained above. An authorization_code will be returned once the card has been charged successfully. Learn more about that here.


  • reference - the transaction reference (required)


$ curl https://api.paystack.co/transaction/verify/trx_1k2o600w \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer SECRET_KEY" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -X GET


Perhaps needless to say, this module leverages the Paystack Android SDK and the Paystack IOS SDK for all the heavy liftings.


  • 1.0.12: Initial version supporting Android.
  • 1.1.1: Android library upgrade and initial iOS support.
  • 2.0.0: A couple of breaking changes have been introduced, see [Old Docs](./Old Docs.md) for previous documentations.
  • 2.0.0: Upgraded to v2.0 of the Paystack Android SDK.
  • 2.0.0: Unified APIs across both platforms (iOS & Android).
  • 2.0.0: Methods now return Javascript Promises on both platforms.
  • 2.1.1: Upgraded to v2.1+ of both the Paystack iOS and Android SDKs.
  • 2.1.1: Added support for chargeCard on both platforms.
  • 2.1.1: Added support for subscriptions and split-payments.
  • 3.1.0: Retired support for getToken on both platforms.
  • 3.1.0: Added support for chargeCardWithAccessCode on both platforms.
  • 3.1.0: Upgraded to v3.*+ of both the Paystack iOS and Android SDKs.

6. License

This should be The MIT License (MIT). I would have to get back to you on that!