
This repository consists of Cypress code for automating appointment scheduling on a Katalon demo site. It provides pre-configured Cypress settings, test fixtures, and sample tests. In addition, it includes video recordings and test reports for quick and easy viewing of test results.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


We use Cypress for web automation because it is a powerful and modern JavaScript-based testing framework that allows for fast and reliable testing of web applications. Cypress provides a simple and intuitive API for writing tests and comes with built-in tools for debugging and writing assertions. It also has features such as time-traveling debugger, automatic retries, and real-time reloads that make the process of writing and debugging tests easier and more efficient. Additionally, Cypress provides excellent documentation and a supportive community, making it easier to get started and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Technology Used:

  • Cypress
  • Java Script
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Mochawesome

How to run this project:

  • Clone this project
  • hit the following command: npx cypress open or npx cypress run
  • for Mochawesome Report: npm i cypress-mochawesome-reporter

Project Scenerio:

Visit - https://www.saucedemo.com/

  • Login for valid and Invalid credentials
  • View Product
  • Add to Cart
  • Do checkout
  • Insert user information
  • Complete purchase or Cancel purchase

Mochawesome Report:

Screenshot (60)

Video Output:
