
A simple boilerplate for creating full stack application in javascript using react for client side and node as backend for creating APIs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple boilerplate for creating full stack application in javascript using react for client side and node/express as backend for creating APIs.

Quick Start

The quickest way to get started with this boilerplate is to fork it into your own repo. Get into the root of the application

cd react-node-boilerplate/

Install dependencies:

$ npm install

Start the server:

$ npm start

View the website at: http://localhost:3000

Folder structure

  • bin

    • www file is the server start script
  • client

    • actions
      • lists actions
    • components
      • lists presentational components
    • containers
      • lists stateful components
    • reducers
      • lists all reducers
    • scss
      • for all styles in react
    • index.js
      • entry point for react application
    • store.js
      • redux store
    • Wrapper.js
      • wrapper for all routes in react
  • public

    • contains static assets in express
  • routes

    • route handler for node application
  • views

    • for express templates
  • .babelrc

    • transpiler for react and ES6 codes
  • .gitignore

    • ignore node_modules and bundles
  • app.js

    • entry point for express application
  • package.json

    • project metadata and dependencies list
  • webpack.config.js

    • bundler for react application