
πŸ“– Urban Dictionary CLI built using Bubble Tea in Go

Primary LanguageGo

πŸ“– LinGo

A CLI for Urban Dictionary, built using the Bubble Tea framework in Go. It fetches definitions and examples of slang terms from the Urban Dictionary API and displays them in a styled terminal output.


✨ Features

  • Search for terms and get their definitions and examples from Urban Dictionary
  • Provides a rich, interactive and easy-to-use TUI built with the Bubble Tea
  • Styled output with colors for enhanced readability

πŸ› οΈ Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ashish0kumar/LinGo.git
cd LinGo
  1. Build the application:
go build
  1. Run the application:

Configure Global CLI Access (Optional)

  • Move the executable to a directory in your system’s PATH (e.g., /usr/local/bin):
sudo mv LinGo /usr/local/bin/
  • Once the executable is set up, you can run LinGo from any directory:

πŸ”§ Usage


Example Output

> Bruh 


[The best] [answer] to [literally anything]

Joe: [my mom died] yesterday

John: bruuhh

Joe: Yo my mom just won [million dollars]

John: [bRuHhh]

Joe: my mom made dinner for us
John: bruh

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