Aayu is an attempt to solve the question of How to save and secure lives of people, when and if they come out of their homes even while the deadly and ghastly pandemic caused by the nCov virus is ongoing.
Aayu: Project Aayu is an attempt to find a good answer to question. How to save people's lives, minimize risk, when and if they finally decide to venture out of their homes to earn a livelihood, during the times of the COVID-19 pandemic.
###Probable Solution:### It takes a simple geometric/mathematic approach to understand: 1. First, how much is the area available in a city or a place or for eg. a company 2. Second, What should be the minimum distance between each person in that area. And finds out the Max_Number_of_People that, that particular city/place/area/company can Handle at a period of time. And, therefore, Only that Max_Number_of_People can be allowed to come out of their homes and go to Companies/Jobs.
Refer the DB Folder
Create 2 City Create 2 Company in Each City - Total 2 Companies Row: InfoSys, TCS Create 2 Branches of Both Companies with their SquareMeter Area in Both City - Total 4 Branches of 2 Companies - Total 8 Branch DBRows Create Some Number of Users for Each Branch And show all on Main Page of Greened Module
~ Main Page to Links of Multiple City Inside City Page Link Company DropDown Select Company to show their Data & Number of People Working there, But how Many it can Handle and therefore Allowed