
Java back-end of a web-based electronics store’s checkout system

Primary LanguageJava


Java back-end of a web-based electronics store’s checkout system

  • How to build : maven install
  • How to test : ./mvnw -Dtest="com.example.assignments.checkoutsystem.**" test Two type os Users :
  1. Admin

  2. Customer

Model : User

  • id
  • password
  • Role : Admin Customer


  • id
  • name
  • price
  • description
  • Deal


  • id
  • DealType : Discount
  • name


  • id
  • name
  • List products
  • user_id


  • id
  • List products
  • List
  • total_price

{EndPoints} //Design Rest API for Electronic Checkout System

  • Users REST API

    • Reterive all Users
      • GET /users
    • Create a Users
      • POST /users
    • Reterive one User
      • GET /users/{id}
    • Delete a User
      • DELETE /user/{id}
  • Bucket REST API

    • Reterive all Buckets
      • GET /buckets
    • Create an Empty Bucket
      • POST /buckets
    • Reterive one Bucket
      • GET /buckets/{id}
    • Reterive Bucket for a user/
      • GET /buckets/user/id
    • Add Product to a Bucket
      • POST /buckets/{id}/items
    • Delete a Product from the Bucket
      • DELET /buckets/{id}/items/{id}
  • Product REST API

    • Reterive all Products
      • GET /products
    • Create a new Product
      • POST /products
    • Reterive one Product
      • GET /products/{id}
    • Delete one product
      • DELET /products/{id}
  • Discount REST API

    • Reterive all Discounts
      • GET /discounts
    • Reterive one discount
      • GET /discounts/{id}
    • Create a new Discount
      • POST /discounts
  • Receipt REST API

    • Get all receipts
      • GET /receipts
    • Create a receipt
      • POST /receipts/buckets/{id}