Search through your web content and find any overlooked typos!
npm install checktypo --save
Using checktypo is super-simple.
checktypo is a function that accepts a string url of it's target website
Once you run the function above, checktypo returns an array of all the 'possible' typos on your page.
Built with: Cheerio + typo-js
- Not all words are added into the typo-js dictionary, however, the aim is to add more words to this library moving on.
- You can only run one website. In the future, checktypo will allow you to search multiple pages better.
- add custom argument cleaning using a config.json that includes
- Social Media Channels
- Additional words that aren't included in typo-js
- Any additional abbreviations that are acceptable
- Remove duplicates from result array
- Add ability to test multiple pages in one go
- Spin up a static html in the browser that contains the typos highlighted in red, along with suggested fixes at the top (or on hover)
- Use promises instead of callbacks to allow user to check typos for multiple websites at once.
- Include linting for personal sanity