Spring Rest API

Goal of this codebase

The goal of this codebase is to test the familiarity and understand the candidate's experience working in Spring REST Here are the instructions to perform within the codebase


  • Take a look at Postman Doc for thedogapi
    • Create a GET rest endpoint with the path /api/v1/breed/:breed_id:
      • This will take a path param of breed_id
      • This will return the dog breed requested as JSON in a JSON response like below
      • Write a single test for this endpoint validating output
    • Create a GET rest endpoint with the path /api/v1/breeds:
      • This will take a query param ids which accepts a comma separated string eg: /api/v1/breeds?ids=1,3,4,7,9
      • This will return a list of dog breeds that the query param requested as JSON array of dog breed objects


  • Use Java Jackson class to map response JSON from thedogapi to create the response object (example below)
  • Write with good code practices and standards. Make use of Controller, Service and Model etc where applicable
  "weight": "65 - 100",  # return string of weight.imperial from dogapi
  "height": "23 - 25", # return string of height.imperial from dogapi
  "id": 9,
  "name": "Alaskan Malamute",
  "life_span": "12 - 15 years",
  "temperament": "Friendly, Affectionate, Devoted, Loyal, Dignified, Playful",

Extra if time allows, and you are feeling fancy(choose one or the other):

  • Write a custom exception handler to offer a custom message if a user passes in an invalid id for the /api/v1/breed/:breed_id api
  • Update the /api/v1/breeds service to pull the n number of breed_id's asynchronously.