A simple seed project with SASS and BrowserSync
Make sure you have latest stable NodeJS and NPM installed.
├── LICENSE - License file
├── README.md - You're reading it right now
├── app - Directory where SourceCode resides.
│ ├── assets - Directory for your assets such as fonts, images etc
│ │ └── temp - Can be any directory though, or any sublevel.
│ │ └── test.img
│ ├── index.html - Basic HTML broilerplate.
│ ├── scripts - No need of this directory name,
│ │ └── main.js - all it cares about is file to have .js extension
│ ├── styles - no need of this directory name,
│ │ ├── main.scss - It can be .scss
│ │ └── test.css - Or .css
│ └── tests - this directory consists of tests, tests and specs directories doesn't get minified.
│ └── yourFile.test.js - technically those files can be anywhere as long as they end with .test.js
├── ava.config.js - AVA configuration for testing.
├── babel.config.js - Babel transpilation configuration, consists of plugins used.
├── gulpfile.babel.js - Gulpfile, consist definitions for all the tasks for this project.
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json - NPM instructions and dependecies.
└── test-helpers - Required Helpers for AVA.
├── _testHelperBabel.js - Babel required for imports and stuff
└── _testHelperENV.js - BrowserENV for using JSDOM in testing
install Node dependencies
npm i
- Installs the dependencies
npm run develop
- Opens Browser Sync live server and watches for file changes, reloads/updates view.
npm run build
- Generates user deployable code inside dist
npm run build:prod
- Generates Minified build inside dist
npm run test
- Runs AVA test for all the .test.js