
The Book Management System is a RESTful API designed for managing books and users. It allows users to perform various actions, including adding, retrieving, updating, and deleting books, as well as borrowing and returning books. The system also supports user registration and login.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Book Management System API


The Book Management System API is a RESTful API for managing books and user accounts. It allows users to register, log in, add, search, borrow, and return books.

Deployed Link


Swagger Documentation


Screenshot (714)

Table of Contents

System Requirements

  • Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed on your system. You can download it from nodejs.org.

  • MongoDB: You should have MongoDB installed and running. You can download and install MongoDB from mongodb.com.

Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Node.js installed
  • MongoDB database running
  • Your API authentication credentials (e.g., JWT secret)


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/ashishkumarpalai/indi_gg_Assignment.git
    cd repository
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    npm install
  1. Create a .env file in the root directory and set the following environment variables:
    MONGODB_URI=Your mongodb url
  1. Start the server:

    npm run server

API Endpoints

  • Books

GET /api/book: Retrieve a list of books with pagination and search.

-- Parameters:

page (optional): Page number for pagination (default: 1).
perPage (optional): Number of items per page (default: 10).
title (optional): Filter books by title.
GET /api/book/:id: Retrieve a specific book by its ID.

POST /api/book: Add a new book to the system.

-- Request Body:

title (required): The title of the book.
author (required): The author of the book.
publishedYear (required): The year the book was published.
ISBN (required): The ISBN of the book (must be a 13-digit number).
quantity (required): The quantity of the book available.

PUT /api/book/:id: Update book details by its ID.

-- Request Body:

title (required): The updated title of the book.
author (required): The updated author of the book.
publishedYear (required): The updated published year of the book.
ISBN (required): The updated ISBN of the book (must be a 13-digit number).
quantity (required): The updated quantity of the book available.

DELETE /api/book/:id: Delete a book by its ID.

  • Users

POST /api/user/register: Register a new user.

-- Request Body:

name (required): The name of the user.
email (required): The email address of the user.
password (required): The password of the user.

POST /api/user/login: Log in as a user.

-- Request Body:

email (required): The email address of the user.
password (required): The password of the user.

GET /api/user/:id: Retrieve a specific user by their ID.

GET /api/user: Retrieve a list of all users.

  • Borrowing and Returning Books

POST /api/book/borrow/:id: Borrow a book by its ID.

POST /api/book/return/:id: Return a borrowed book by its ID.

Design Choices

  • Database: MongoDB was chosen as the database to store book and user data due to its flexibility and scalability.

  • Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens) are used for user authentication to secure API endpoints.

  • Validation: Input data is validated to ensure data consistency and security. ISBNs are validated to be 13-digit numbers.

  • Error Handling: The API provides meaningful error messages and status codes to aid in debugging and user feedback.

  • Pagination: For large datasets, pagination is implemented to improve API performance.

  • Populate: Mongoose's populate is used to retrieve related data, such as user borrowing information for books.

Data Structures

  • Book Model: The book model in the database includes fields for title, author, published year, ISBN, quantity, and borrower information (array of users and return dates).

  • User Model: The user model includes fields for name, email, password (hashed), and an array of books they've borrowed.


  • Password Hashing: The bcrypt library is used to securely hash and store user passwords in the database.

  • JWT Signing: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are signed using a secret key to generate user authentication tokens.

  • Pagination: Pagination logic is implemented using skip and limit in Mongoose queries to efficiently retrieve paginated data.