This project contains boiler plate code to write and experience JAX-RS web services.
- Clone the git repository
- Export JAVA_HOME environment variable and make it point to JDK
- Export GRADLE_HOME environment variable and make it point to a gradle installation.
- run gradle tomcatRunWar, this will build and deploy the webapp on a tomcat instance.
- hit http://localhost:8080/cms/rest/helloworld in the browser and be greeted with Hello World.
- Navigate to restapp/src/main/java/com/phodu/rest/api folder and write your class there.
- Modify restapp/src/main/resources/ to add the newly added class.
- Build the war and deploy by running the following command gradle tomcatRunWar.
- The generated war can be found in restapp/build/libs
- Eclipse projects can be generated by running "gradle eclipse"