A DataSet of Supply Chains used by the company DataCo Global was used for the analysis. Dataset of Supply Chain , which allows the use of Machine Learning Algorithms and R Software.
Areas of important registered activities : Provisioning , Production , Sales , Commercial Distribution. It also allows the correlation of Structured Data with Unstructured Data for knowledge generation.
Type Data :
Sr.No | Dataset Type | File |
1. | Structured Data | DataCoSupplyChainDataset.csv |
2. | Unstructured Data | tokenized_access_logs.csv (Clickstream) |
3. | Description Data | DescriptionDataCoSupplyChain.csv |
Types of Products : Clothing , Sports , and Electronic Supplies
Additionally it is attached in another file called DescriptionDataCoSupplyChain.csv,
the description of each of the variables of the DataCoSupplyChainDatasetc.csv.
Constante, Fabian; Silva, Fernando; Pereira, António (2019), “DataCo SMART SUPPLY CHAIN FOR BIG DATA ANALYSIS”, Mendeley Data, V5, doi: 10.17632/8gx2fvg2k6.5
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