
Yolov5 : You Look Only Once v5 Learning Resources and Collection

Yolov5 : You Look Only Once v5 Learning Resources and Collection

This repository is collection of Yolov5. This is help the Learner or Researcher to found all yolo code at one place.

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Yolov5 Collection 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

​ Bold Text Contain Projects

Yolov5 : Open All Collab (Thanks to Roboflow.com)

Sr No Name Github
1 Official Yolov5 (7.6 k ⭐) https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5
2 Real-time multi-person tracker using YOLO v5 and deep sort (362 ⭐) https://github.com/mikel-brostrom/Yolov5_DeepSort_Pytorch
3 Yolov5 Pytorch (57 ⭐) | Article https://github.com/mihir135/yolov5
4 Yolov5 Tensorflow(125 ⭐) https://github.com/avBuffer/Yolov5_tf
5 Yolov5 Framework (326 ⭐) https://github.com/msnh2012/Msnhnet
6 Smoke Detection by Yolov5 (152 ⭐) https://github.com/CVUsers/Smoke-Detect-by-YoloV5
7 Yolov5 Pytorch (57 ⭐) https://github.com/Okery/YOLOv5-PyTorch
8 American Sign Language Understand Using Yolov5 https://github.com/insigh1/Interactive_ABCs_with_American_Sign_Language_using_Yolov5
9 Yolov5 Libtorch (15 ⭐) https://github.com/zhiqwang/yolov5-rt-stack
10 Reflective Cloth Detection (35 ⭐) https://github.com/gengyanlei/reflective-clothes-detect
11 Yolov5 Object Counter (12 ⭐) https://github.com/muhk01/YOLOv5-Object-Counter
12 Retail store item detector using YOLOv5(12 ⭐) https://github.com/shayanalibhatti/Retail-Store-Item-Detection-using-YOLOv5
13 YOLOv5 implementation using TensorFlow 2 (8 ⭐) https://github.com/jahongir7174/YOLOv5-tf
14 Multi Object Detection Tracking with Yolov5 (8 ⭐) https://github.com/HowieMa/DeepSORT_YOLOv5_Pytorch
15 3D Model Detector (5 ⭐) https://github.com/wx-chevalier/3d-model-detector
16 Yolov5 Pytorch (4 ⭐) https://github.com/zhuofalin/yolov5
17 Yolov5 Detecting person with or without face mask.(5 ⭐) https://github.com/pritul2/yolov5_FaceMask
18 Road Safety Risk Identification with Yolov5 ( 3 ⭐) https://github.com/warcraft12321/RoadSafety
19 Fruit Detection in Orchards (3 ⭐) https://github.com/PavanproJack/Fruit-Detection-in-Orchards
20 Automatic License Plate Detection for Adverse Environment (3 ⭐) https://github.com/THINK989/Automatic_License_Plate_Detector_for_Adverse_Environments
21 Yolov5 Jupyter lab https://github.com/NanoCode012/yolov5-jupyterlab
22 Track and Count Using Yolov5 (2 ⭐) https://github.com/maxmarkov/track_and_count
23 Wheat Detection(Detecting wheat heads using YOLOv5) (2 ⭐) https://github.com/tanmaypandey7/wheat-detection
24 Yolov5 on Open VINO(2 ⭐) https://github.com/edwardnguyen1705/yolov5
25 Simple YOLOv5 Inference in Pytorch(2 ⭐) https://github.com/Nannigalaxy/yolov5_pytorch_inference
26 Yolov5 on Sagemaker(1 ⭐) https://github.com/HKT-SSA/yolov5-on-sagemaker
27 Make your own Yolo5 Dataset(1 ⭐) https://github.com/WangRongsheng/make-your-yolov5_dataset
28 YOLOv5 server for SUTD Capstone project.(1 ⭐) https://github.com/SamsonYuBaiJian/capstone-object-detection
29 Simple Object Detector with Yolov5(1 ⭐) https://github.com/triangularsalt/ClassySORT
30 Street View House Number Detection https://github.com/chia56028/Street-View-House-Numbers-Detection
31 Yolov5 + Open Image Database Public Dataset Download Pipeline https://github.com/JasonHarambe/Yolov5-OID-Colab-NoteBook
32 Active Learning https://github.com/nducthang/Active-learning-for-object-detection

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Article for Custom Object Detection With Yolov5🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Yolov5 : Open All Collab (Custom Yolov5 Object Detection)

Sr No Article Name Link
1 How to Train A Custom Object Detection Model with YOLO v5 https://bit.ly/35kPeg6
2 YOLO V5 is Here! Custom Object Detection Tutorial with YOLO V5 https://bit.ly/2XiGeE9
3 Yolo-v5 Object Detection on a custom dataset https://bit.ly/35lmjZw
4 Object Detection on Custom Dataset with YOLO (v5) using PyTorch and Python https://bit.ly/3q15fzO
5 Create an End to End Object Detection Pipeline using Yolov5 https://bit.ly/3s82crp
6 Custom Object Detection Model with YOLO V5β€Š - β€ŠGetting the Data Ready https://bit.ly/3bhwu51
7 Yolo Morioh Blog https://bit.ly/35nrTKV
8 Yolo V5 Tutorial - Training a Custom Object Detection Model https://bit.ly/35jejbo
9 How to Create an End to End Object Detector using Yolov5 https://bit.ly/3hRMBaO
10 BUILDING A CUSTOM YOLOV5 ORDINA LOGO DETECTOR with Yolov5 https://bit.ly/3ospwxN


Thanks for Reading