JavaScript30 - 30 days JavaScript coding challenge By Wes Bos

Day 1 - JavaScript Drum Kit
Day 2 - CSS+JS Clock
Day 3 - CSS variables
Day 4 - Array Cardio 1
Day 5 - Flex Panel Image Gallery
Day 6 - Ajax type ahead
Day 7 - Array Cardio 2
Day 8 - HTML5 Canvas
Day 9 - Dev Tools
Day 10 - Multiple Checkboxes
Day 11 - HTML5 Video Player
Day 13 - Slide in on Scroll
Day 14 - Objects and Arrays- Reference VS Copy
Day 15 - Local Storage and Event Delegation
Day 16 - CSS Text Shadow Mouse move
Day 17 - Sorting band names without article
Day 18 - Tally String times with Reduce
Day 19 - Unreal Webcam
Day 20 - Native speech recognition
Day 21 - Geolocation based speedometer and compass
Day 22 - Follow along links
Day 23 - Speech Synthesis
Day 24 - Sticky Nav
Day 25 - Event Capture,Propogation and Bubbling
Day 26 - Stripe Dropdown
Day 27 - Click and drag to scroll
Day 28 - Video Speed Controller UI
Day 29 - Countdown Clock
Day 30 - Whack a mole game