
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Develop locally

  1. install all required dependencies (npm i)
  2. copy environment.template.sh to environment.sh and populate the environment variable values
  3. run npm start
  4. to deploy to cloud,
    • from local machine
      • assuming environment.sh exist and environment variables are populated
      • run npm run deploy
    • thru CI
      • set all environment variables listed in environment.template.sh as CI environment variables
      • in CI, execute npm i to install all dependencies and deploy with npm run deploy
  5. Postman collection can be found here


POST /v1/email

  "to": ["a@b.co"],
  "cc": ["a@b.co"],
  "bcc": ["a@b.co"],
  "message": {
    "subject": "",
    "body": {
      "text": "",
      "html": ""


  • Unit-tests
  • Add configuration validation
  • Store credentials in KMS instead of environment variables
  • 2 different lambdas,
    • 1 to capture the requests and add to SQS, 2nd to process them
    • may require database to store actual request and put request ID in SQS
  • Figure-out the limitations and validations of service provider (i.e. sendgrid) and implement the restrictions
  • Authentication/Authorisation
  • Introduce multiple adapters for different providers
  • Scheduling