
fork of http://pecl.php.net/package/krb5 with Blink's fixes

Primary LanguageC

PHP krb5 extension (1.0)

License: MIT License (see LICENSE file)
 (includes MIT licensed krb5 header files)

+ Moritz Bechler (mbechler@eenterphace.org)

+ An interface for maintaining credential caches (KRB5CCache),
   that can be used for authenticating against a kerberos5 realm
+ Bindings for nearly the complete GSSAPI (RFC2744)
+ The administrative interface (KADM5)
+ Support for HTTP Negotiate authentication via GSSAPI
+ No legacy stuff, fully object oriented

+ see docs/ for the API documentation
+ there are several pieces of example code in the examples/ directory
+ see below for install instructions

+ When compiling this extension as shared module:
  - run phpize in the extension directory
  - run ./configure (optionally add --with-krb5kadm if you need this functionality)
  - run make && make install
  - optional: enable your new extension in you php.ini

+ When compiling statically into your php binary
  - move this extension into your php distributions ext/ folder
  - make sure that the directory is named "krb5"
  - run ./buildconf --force in the root directory of you php distribution
  - ./configure php with your common flags and add --with-krb5 and optionally
  	--with-krb5kadm=<path> where <path> is the path to your mit-krb5 
  - make && make install

+ This distribution now includes the missing headers from mit-krb5 (1.6),
   if you experience wierd problems you might want to use the headers from
   your own distribution (specifiy path to the krb5 source via 
   --with-krb5kadm=/path/to/krb5/source) as neither source nor binary compatability are guaranteed.