
Precommit tool for git

Primary LanguageC


What does this do?

Scans git commit contents for a specified NocheckinKeyword. If the NocheckinKeyword is found in the commit content, commit is disabled until the NocheckinKeyword is removed from the commit.

The default value of NocheckinKeyword is nocheckin (case insensitive).

How to use it?

  1. Build the precommit by execting the build script
  2. Execute install script from your root git directory (install script is generated after execution of build script)

How to change the nocheckin keyword?

  1. Create a file named keyword.h and add the following content:
#define NocheckinKeyword "my_no_checkin"
  1. Build (rebuild) and install (reinstall) the precommit

How to remove the precommit?

Simply delete the executable .gits/hooks/pre-commit from your git repository.