
This project will help you to understand how we can schedule a background task for an iOS app. It is really useful to fetch the feed data behind when the app is not live and give immense pleasure to the user to get the latest content immediately. I am trying to solve a use-case where we can schedule multiple local notification using BGTask.

Primary LanguageSwift

Background Task With Notification Management

Resources On Background Task:

video --




  1. enable "capabilities" <-- "Background Modes" and choose "background fetch" and "background processing". background fetch -- periodically fetch likes social media feed, latest stocks etc. background processing -- database indexing, core ml training etc

  2. Add Identifiers for the tasks in the plist file.

  3. BGScheduler <-- Scheduler for those tasks which we want to execute in background.

Functionality of BGScheduler:

	 1. register a task
	 2. submit a task
	 3. cancel the task with identifier / OR we can cancel all the background tasks
	 4 get all the pending background tasks.
   BGTask <-- Defines a background task
   1. unique identifier
 2. set expiration time

There are two kind of tasks --

  1. BGAppRefreshTaskRequest

  2. BGProcessingTaskRequest

BGAppRefreshTaskRequest <-- for short time task like social media feed fetch, news feed fetch etc.

  BGProcessingTaskRequest <-- It gives several mins to sync (like database indexing etc)

Local Notification handling :
