
Flutter App Templete is a project that introduces an approach to architecture and project structure for developing Flutter apps.

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Flutter App Template

"Flutter App Template" is a project to template and introduce an approach to developing Flutter apps, including architecture and project structure.

"Flutter App Template" repository employs a mono-repo and consists of several internal packages and apps.

Packages overview


This package is responsible for the function (responsibility) of event logging and sending crash reports.

Currently using Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics.


This package is responsible for the function (responsibility) of authenticating users, such as logging in.

Currently using Firebase Authentication.


A generic widget placement location that can be used in multiple packages.


This package takes care of functions (responsibilities) related to setting notification permissions and receiving push notifications for the application.

Currently using Firebase Cloud Messaging.


This package is responsible for functions (responsibilities) related to local notification display and schedule registration.

Currently using flutter_local_notifications.


This package is responsible for the function (responsibility) of retrieving remotely configured parameters and providing them in a specified type.

Currently using Firebase Remote Config.


This package is responsible for the appearance of ThemeData and other appearance-related data used in Flutter apps.


This package stores general-purpose functions that are too small to be cut out into a stand-alone package.

App overview


This is a template app package for Flutter apps. It comes with dev, stg, and prod environments set up.

Change the app ID or app name to start building it as a separate app right away.

Also check the flutter_app/README.md.

Dependency Package Overview

State Management

Code Generation



flutter_app Project settings

Category Description Codes
FVM Flutter Version Management .fvm/fvm_config.json
Dart Dart version pubspec.yaml
Dart Lint / Analyze analysis_options.yaml
flutter pub add analysis_logger --path ../analysis_logger
flutter pub add authenticator --path ../authenticator
flutter pub add convenient_widgets --path ../convenient_widgets
flutter pub add notification_receiver --path ../notification_receiver
flutter pub add remote_parameter_fetcher --path ../remote_parameter_fetcher

How to start development


The make command will install the required Dart packages, such as FVM and Melos.

ToDo list required after creating a new repository using this template

  1. Replace Bundle ID (Package name) with your App ID. jp.co.altive.fat -> your.domain.id
  2. Change CFBundleName and CFBundleDisplayName in ios/Runner/info.plist to your app name.
  3. Change FlutterAT in defaultConfig/resValue of android/app/build.gradle to your app name.
  4. Create a project in Firebase.
  5. Create an Android app, download google-services.json, and place it in android/app/src/{dev or stg or prod}.
  6. Create an iOS app, download GoogleService-Info.plist, and place it in ios/{dev or stg or prod}.
  7. Modify googleReversedClientId in dart_defines/{dev, stg, prod}.env to match the contents of each GoogleService-Info.plist.
  8. Create a Web app and modify the parameters in firebaseConfig in web/index.html according to the Firebase SDK additions. - apiKey, authDomain, databaseURL, projectId, storageBucket, messagingSenderId, appId, measurementId

How to create a new package

If the project name and the output directory name of the package are the same, --project-name can be omitted.

# Package
flutter create -t package packages/{directory_name} --project-name {project_name}
# App
flutter create --org jp.co.altive packages/{directory_name} --project-name {project_name}


flutter pub add analysis_logger --path ../analysis_logger
flutter pub add authenticator --path ../authenticator
flutter pub add convenient_widgets --path ../convenient_widgets
flutter pub add notification_receiver --path ../notification_receiver
flutter pub add remote_parameter_fetcher --path ../remote_parameter_fetcher

Firebase SDK version for iOS and macOS

FirebaseSDKVersionTag.txt manages the SDK version you wish to specify.

↓ For the latest version, click here. https://github.com/invertase/firestore-ios-sdk-frameworks/releases

  • I wanted to use the latest 9.5.0-1 or higher, but the cloud_firestore 3.4.8 package in pub.dev seemed to be unsupported, so I used 9.4.0.


Internationalization User Guild PresentationDomainSeparation Flutter Architecture Blueprints

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