
Supervised point cloud regression on microscopy images

Primary LanguagePython

Supervised Nuclei Center Point Prediction for C-Elegans

tested on:

  • linux 18.04
  • python 3.6
  • tensorflow 1.12

How to use:

  1. Preferred way is to set up a conda environment with conda create --name $envname python=3.6. activate the environment with conda activate $envname
  2. git clone $thisrepo and run pip install -r requirements.txt inside the project dir.
  3. Create a symlink/or new directory called dataset inside the project dir which containes the 30WormsImagesGroundTruthSeg dataset, most importantly should include a universe.txt at its root together with imagesAsMgdRawAligned, and groundTruthInstanceSeg (containing the .ano.curated.aligned.tiff and .ano.curated .aligned.txt files).
  4. at project root, run PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:./mowa python mowa/consolidate.py ./dataset/30WormsImagesGroundTruthSeg ./data which would create a $projectdir/data directory containing train, val, and test split of the data
  5. (recommended) check if everything works by running PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:./mowa python mowa/train.py -d which trains the model for few steps. afterwards run PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:./mowa python mowa/evaluate.py. everythings should have worked smoothly.
  6. (recommended/optional) create a $projectdir/experiments directory, and use ./create_experiment.sh $some_experiment_name to create a same structure of files in the experiments directory. after doing so, one can easily edit whatever needed to make some changes to the model.
  7. in the $experiemntdir/run_experiment.sh choose the number of gpu for cuda_vis_device
  8. run ./run_experiment.sh

after these steps, a $experimentdir/output directory should be created, where different outputs of the model together with some default analysis plots should exist.


  • if the per epoch training is too slow, one way of making it faster is to remove the best model checkpointing callbacks in train.py since:
    • there is no burn-in implemented in training
    • two model checkpointing call backs are called for each epoch (val_loss and val_mala_mae_metric) which get trigerred almost every step, especially in the 300/400 starting epochs (However I am not sure yet if a background worker takes care of it implicitely or not, but from debugging observations, they add apprx. 2 3 secs)


  • might leave gpu memory allocated without showing any process in 'nvidia-smi' output. try sudo fuser -v /dev/nvidia* and look for python process running. then sudo kill -9 $PID.

  • if the number of ckpt s are too large, I guess 20 and more, the evaluate.py part throws an error. needs to be fixed later, has to do sth with the number of available color palletes. workaround, just remove some of the ckpts.