
:wrench: a simple class for introduction to unit test in C#

Primary LanguageC#

Introduction to xUnit

a simple class for introduction to unit test in C#.

This is a demonstration programm in a video call that talked about:

  • Why should we write test for our projects?
  • How much does writing test cost and take time?
  • Why is writing and learning test necessary?
  • What kind of tests do we have?
  • What are the best practices in writing tests?
  • What is TDD in software life cycle?
  • A sample project in action with xUnit in C#...

📌 You can download or watch this video in link below:



How to run?

1- First you have to install dotnet core SDk and runtime from this link.

2- Clone the repo and in the project root run this command:

dotnet restore

3- For run the sample class, go to Account directory and run:

dotnet run

4- For run the sample test, go to Account.Test directory and run:

dotnet test

That's all 🔥