
Full-screen web trading app (formerly highcharts)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Webtrader Build Status

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/binary-com/webtrader This repository contains HTML, Javascript, CSS, and images for WebTrader website.

##How to work with this project ####Learn how to setup the project: In order to get started on this project, follow these steps. The steps are meant for Linux OS users. However Windows and MacOS should be similar

    > Open command prompt
    $ sudo apt-get install git
    $ git clone https://github.com/binary-com/webtrader.git
    $ cd webtrader
    $ sudo apt-get install node npm
    $ sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
    $ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
    $ npm install

At this point, your project is properly setup. You can now run following command to start a local server

    $ grunt connect

In order to get SLOC(Source line of Code, which displays total number of lines of source code) report, run

    $ grunt sloc

To bump release version, run

    $ grunt bump:major


    $ grunt bump:minor


    $ grunt bump:patch

To release code (beta release, WebTrader (beta)) - Not recommended to be used from local environment

    $ grunt gh-pages:gh-pages-beta

To release code (prod release, WebTrader) - Not recommended to be used from local environment

    $ grunt gh-pages:gh-pages-prod

You can now access the charting page by opening http://localhost:9001/main.html in browser

Every checking into master will trigger travis-ci build process. Release is based on commit hooks.

With this commit message, travis-ci will automatically deploy code into gh-pages for production release

With this commit message, travis-ci will automatically deploy code into gh-pages for beta release

#####Get your code to our repo: In order to contribute, please fork and submit pull request by following all the above mentioned coding rules.

#####Other details When commit is done with [release] tag in the master branch, it will trigger deployment into webtrader gh-pages automatically and will update the release files and changes could be seen live @ WebTrader