Employee Rostering Optimization as a Service

An example OptaPlanner webapp ready to deploy on OpenShift 3.

Running on OpenShift


To copy-paste your command, go to the OpenShift Online web console and look for Help > Command line tools.

Locally with OpenShift Origin

  1. If you just installed oc client tools, follow the OpenShift Local Cluster Management docs to get oc cluster (up|down) working.

  2. oc cluster up

  3. oc login, enter "developer" for both username and password when prompted

  4. oc new-project <your-project-name> (ex: "openshift", must consist of only lowercase letters, numbers and hypens)

  5. oc new-app --image-stream="openshift/wildfly:11.0" https://github.com/kiegroup/optashift-employee-rostering.git#master

To trigger a new build with the latest updates from the master branch, run

oc start-build optashift-employee-rostering

To delete the OpenShift application and project, run

oc delete project <your-project-name>

OpenShift Dedicated

  1. Login to OpenShift Dedicated from command line

    (With username and password)

    oc login -u=<username> -p=<password> --server=<your-openshift-server> --insecure-skip-tls-verify

    (With OAuth token)

    oc login https://api.your-openshift-server.com --token=<tokenID>

  2. oc new-project <your-project-name> (ex: "openshift", must consist of only lowercase letters, numbers and hypens)

  3. oc new-app --image-stream="openshift/wildfly:11.0" https://github.com/kiegroup/optashift-employee-rostering.git#master

To trigger a new build with the latest updates from the master branch, run

oc start-build optashift-employee-rostering

To delete the OpenShift application and project, run

oc delete project <your-project-name>

OpenShift Online

Login to OpenShift Online from command line

(With username and password)

oc login -u=<username> -p=<password> --server=<your-openshift-server> --insecure-skip-tls-verify

(With OAuth token)

oc login https://api.your-openshift-server.com --token=<tokenID>

Create the project, build the war file locally and provision it on OpenShift:

./provision.sh setup employee-rostering --binary

That’s it, it should now be running on the web. Go to the OpenShift Online web console to get the *.openshiftapps.com URL.

Later, you can just run this command to deploy new code changes:

./provision.sh deploy employee-rostering --binary

Or this command to delete the OpenShift Online application and project:

./provision.sh delete employee-rostering


Code formatter

Both IntelliJ and Eclipse formatters are available here: https://github.com/kiegroup/droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap/tree/master/ide-configuration

Building from source

mvn clean install

Under the covers, OpenShift builds activate the openshift profile. To reproduce locally, add it explicitly (the provision.sh script already does this):

mvn clean package -P openshift

IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3 (and above)

IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2 (and below) + CLI

The steps below make sure that the GWT Codeserver will recompile the application after files under src/main/resources are saved.

  1. Import the maven project by choosing the root pom.xml file and selecting Open as project

  2. Install the Save Actions plugin

  3. Restart IntelliJ (required after installing the plugin)

  4. Under Other settings, go to the Save Actions submenu and check either the first or the second options in the General section

  5. Check the Compile file option in the Build actions section

After configuring the Save Actions plugin, you should be able to start Wildfly and deploy the application from the CLI. Note that if you need to restart the GWT Code Server, it’s not mandatory to restart Wildfly.

mvn -N wildfly:start wildfly:deploy
mvn gwt:codeserver

To stop the Wildfly server, use mvn -N wildfly:shutdown.


  1. TODO: Document