Livewire Statamic Forms

This addon allows you to submit forms in Statamic CMS using Laravel Livewire.


Install the package via composer:

composer require johncarter/statamic-livewire-forms


Include Livewire styles and scripts:

    <!-- /... -->
    {{ livewire:styles }}

    <!-- /... -->
    {{ livewire:scripts }}

Run command to generate the view:

php artisan make:statamic-livewire-form-view

Or, create the view manually in /resources/views/livewire/form-view.blade.php.

Bind properties in the view like this:

<input autocomplete="name" type="text" wire:model.lazy="" />
@error('')<div>{{ $message }}</div>@enderror

Embed the livewire component in your template:

{{ livewire:livewire-form handle="contact_form" }}

If no view parameter is set, the component will default to the kebab case of the form handle e.g. /resources/views/livewire/contact-form.blade.php

Notes & Limitations

  • Only tested with text and textarea form fieldtypes.
  • Not tested on multisites
  • Not tested using any static caching strategies.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.