Build a Dark & Light Mode Switcher in React using Context @ React.Indy on September 22nd, 2021

About the Talk

Do you find yourself impressed but intimidated by dark/light mode switchers? Curious about the React Context API but not sure where to start? In this live-coding session we'll build a theme switcher that covers creating a Context from scratch and exposing its value with a hook, persisting the theme across browser sessions using local storage, and setting the default theme based on OS settings. We'll also be doing it in TypeScript!

About Ashlee

Ashlee Boyer is a Disabled Software Engineer and Web Accessibility Specialist that primarily works with the frontend side of the stack and React. She writes about accessibility and other web development topics on her blog and is currently working on a semantic HTML course for Her goal with teaching about accessibility is to show other developers it’s not as difficult as it’s made out to be and that just like any framework, technology, or algorithm we learn as developers, it takes time and practice.

About this Repository

TODO - this will be updated after the event with details on where the demo app is deployed & which commit contains the code written during the session


TODO - this will be updated after the event with a list of resources briefly mentioned during the session