Cyberspectrum - Introduction to Pothos

Slides and examples can be found in this repository.

Some examples where using a LimeSDR, but a Ettus B200 or any other full dupelx SDR should work.

File Description
'example 1 - hello world.pothos' Simple hello world example
'example 1 - hello world with sound.pothos' Simple hello world example with Audio and GUI control
'example 2 - probe rate.pothos' Example showing probes to mesure stream rate
'example 3 - fm tx.pothos' Streaming internet radio over FM radio
'example 4 - fm tx 12GHz.pothos' Test LNB's with 4th harmonic of SDR
'example 5 - reflections and overload.pothos' Example showing reflections on a constellation plot and gain settings to demo overload state

Presented on the 28/02/2019