
GUI Application for FreeDV – an open source digital voice protocol that integrates the modems, codecs, and FEC

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


This document describes how to build the FreeDV GUI program for various operating systems. See also:

http://freedv.org - introduction, documentation, downloads RELEASE_NOTES.txt - changes made to each version USER_MANUAL.txt - FreeDV GUI Manual

Building and installing on Linux

First the basics:

  $ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git


  $ sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"

To install the required development libraries instead of building them statically:


  $ sudo apt-get install libwxgtk3.0-dev portaudio19-dev \
    libhamlib-dev libsamplerate-dev libasound2-dev libao-dev libgsm1-dev \
    libsndfile-dev libspeexdsp-dev


  $ sudo dnf install icmake wxGTK3-devel portaudio-devel libsamplerate-devel \
    libsndfile-devel speexdsp-devel hamlib-devel alsa-lib-devel libao-devel \

RHEL/CentOS and derivitves (requires Fedora EPEL repository)

  $ sudo yum install wxGTK3-devel portaudio-devel libsamplerate-devel \ 
    libsndfile-devel speexdsp-devel hamlib-devel alsa-lib-devel libao-devel \

Quickstart 1

Using a modern Linux, and the development library packages installed above:

  $ cd /path/to/freedv
  $ mkdir build_linux
  $ cd build_linux
  $ cmake ../ 
  $ make
  $ ./src/freedv

Quickstart 2

Using a local build of codec2-dev that you may be developing:

  $ cd /path/to/freedv
  $ mkdir build_linux
  $ cd build_linux
  $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCODEC2_BUILD_DIR=/path/to/codec2-dev/build_linux  ..
  $ make
  $ ./src/freedv

Quickstart 3

Builds static versions of wxWidgets, portaudio, codec2-dev, which are commonly missing on older Linux systems.

  1. Assumes static build of wxWidgets and the freedv-dev source is checked out into ~/freedv-dev:
  $ cd ~/freedv-dev
  $ mkdir build_linux
  $ cd build_linux
  $ make
  1. Then you can configure FreeDV using your local codec-dev, something like:
  1. OR checkout and build a copy of codec2-dev:
  1. Build and run FreeDV:
   $ make
   $ ./src/freedv

Building for Windows on Fedora 28 (Cross compiling)

Install basic MinGW development packages:

  $ sudo dnf install mingw{32,64}-filesystem mingw{32,64}-binutils \
    mingw{32,64}-gcc mingw{32/64}-crt mingw{32,64}-headers mingw32-nsis

Install dependencies of FreeDV/Codec2:

  $ sudo dnf install mingw{32,64}-speex

Enable Freetel specific packages not currently in Fedora proper:

  $ sudo dnf copr enable hobbes1069/mingw
  $ sudo dnf install mingw{32,64}-wxWidgets3 mingw{32,64}-hamlib \
    mingw{32,64}-portaudio mingw{32,64}-libsndfile

Building FreeDV for 64 Bit windows:

  $ cd ~/freedv-dev
  $ mkdir build_windows && cd build_windows
  $ make
  $ make package

WANTED: Instructions for cross compiling on Ubuntu 17 or 18

Building and installing on Windows

The windows build is similar to linux and follows the same basic workflow, however, while codec2 and FreeDV (freedv) build well on windows, some of the dependencies do not. For that reson current windows releases are cross-compiled from linux.

Only MinGW is supported. While it is likely possible to perform a pure MinGW build, installing MSYS2 will make your life easier.

CMake may not automatically detect that you're in the MSYS environment. If this occurs you need to pass cmake the proper generator:

  $ cmake -G"MSYS Makefiles" [other options] </path/to/source>

Bootstrapping wxWidgets build

If wxWidgets (>= 3.0) is not available then one option is to have CMake boot- strap the build for FreeDV.

This is required because the tool wx-config is used to get the correct compiler and linker flags of the wxWidgets components needed by FreeDV. Since this is normally done at configure time, not during "make", it is not possible for CMake or have this information prior to building wxWidgets.

In order to work around this issue you can "bootstrap" the wxWidgets build using the CMake option, "BOOTSTRAP_WXWIDGETS". wxWidgets will be built using static libraries.

NOTE: This forces "USE_STATIC_WXWIDGETS" to be true internally regarless of the value set manually.

(from any directory, but empty directory outside of the source is prefered.)

$ cmake -DBOOTSTRAP_WXWIDGETS=TRUE /path/to/freedv
$ make
(wxWidgets is downloaded and built)
$ cmake .
(wxWidgets build should be detected)
$ make
(if all goes well, as root)
$ make install

Building and installing on OSX

Please see README.osx

Building and installing on FreeBSD

As per "Quickstart 2" above but change build_linux to build_freebsd


Please make sure your text editor does not insert tabs, and used indents of 4 spaces. The following .emacs code was used to configure emacs:

(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)

(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
          (function (lambda ()
                      (setq c-basic-offset 4)


This software needs some maintenance and refactoring. Patches welcome!

  • Remove unnecessary PortAudio Wrapper layer
  • break fdmdv2_main.cpp into smaller files
  • rename src files from fdmdv2_ -> freedv_
  • profile code and explore optimisations
  • The FreeDV waterfall doesn't pick up fast fading as well as some other SDRS, would be good to review the code and adjust
  • Align license text in source file with LGPL
  • GTK warning on fedora 28 when vert size of window so small we lose PTT button
    • need some way to limit size
  • Play a file when we get sync, like "alarm"
  • A user has reported audio coming out of the tx sound card when in Rx mode, that is triggering Vox