
changing brainsss_ash to have better file naming strategy and so I can run partial nii files

Primary LanguagePython


Preprocessing of volumetric neural data on sherlock (motion correction, zscoring, etc)

At its core, brainsss is a wrapper to interface with Slurm via python. It can handle complex submission of batches of jobs with job dependencies and makes it easy to pass variables between jobs. It also has full logging of job progress, output, and errors.

For clarity, this package currently only contains a few functions to demonstrate its usage (and includes some demo data). One function that may be particularly useful is motion correction.

Installing the package: Log onto sherlock (ssh sunetid@login.sherlock.stanford.edu)
Add our lab's custom modules to you modulepath (allows access to ANTs, a brain-warping tool) by adding:
export MODULEPATH=/home/groups/trc/modules:$MODULEPATH to your ~/.bashrc
you will need to source to load the changes:
source ~/.bashrc

Navigate to where you would like to install this package, then:

> git clone https://github.com/ClandininLab/brainsss.git
> cd brainsss
> ml python/3.6.1
> pip3 install -e . --user

change the paths:

  • in scripts/main.sh, line 13 must point to scripts/main.py
  • in scripts/main.py, scripts_path, com_path, and dataset_path must be set

Running the demo:

cd scripts
sbatch main.sh

progress and errors will be printed into a file in the scripts/logs folder.
mainlog.out keeps track of all the times the script was run, as well as high-level errors. Once the job launches, a log with a date-time string will be created and messages will continue to be appended to it until the job is complete.
The demo should perform and print information about Fictrac QC, Bleaching QC, creation of meanbrains, Motion Correction, and Z-scoring.

Example log file: example_log_file

*** (Jolie) - you will possibly see errors in the mainlog.out file, about certain packages not being able to import. You will need to install these packages using pip3 install. Let me know if this happens, and if so which packages you needed to install so I can add it to this readme. And let me know if you need help with this, but basically you will type pip3 install "package name" --user

Upon completion, the demo_data directory should contain some new files:

  • /fly_001/fictrac will contain a velocity trace and a 2D histogram
  • /fly_001 will contain a "bleaching" figure, the meanbrains for each channel, as well as the z-scored motion-corrected green-channel brain
  • /fly_001/moco will contain each channel motion corrected, as well as a figure of x/y/z translations involved in the motion correction.

A few notes on parameters:

  • this toy data set only contains 10 timepoints, giving arrays of [256,128,49,10] (x,y,z,t).
  • A more standard functional array will be [256,128,49,3384], for which I recommend during moco:
    • partials: step=100, mem=4, time_moco=4
    • stitcher: mem=12, time=2
  • For an anatomical volume, of roughly [1024,512,200,100], I recommend:
    • step=10, mem=7, time_moco=6
  • for z-scoring these large functional volumes, I recommend mem=18

A note that should be mentioned: to achieve creation of a common log file, I have stolen the print() function. So, for anything you want to print, you must use the printlog() function, but otherwise it is the same.

Here is a little more detail on how to use this package as a wrapper for job submission: main.sh will always be called via sbatch to start the program. This will start main.py, which will use a single core and manage the submission of jobs. Two core functions are:

  • brainsss.sbatch
  • brainsss.wait_for_job
    These are in the utils.py file if you want to check them out. Essentially, you will tell brainsss.sbatch what python script you would like to run, as well as which modules to load, memory and time, etc. The function will return the job_id that was assigned to it via slurm. Then, you can use brainsss.wait_for_job to wait until this job is complete before continuing through main.py