
Git plugin for Oh My Fish (similar to oh-my-zsh git)

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A git aliases plugin for Oh My Fish based loosely on the Oh My Zsh Git Plugin.

MIT License Fish Shell Version Oh My Fish Framework


$ omf install https://github.com/jhillyerd/plugin-git



Abbreviation Command
gbs git bisect
gbsb git bisect bad
gbsg git bisect good
gbsr git bisect reset
gbss git bisect start


Abbreviation Command
gb git branch -vv
gba git branch -a -v
gbda delete all branches merged in current HEAD
ggsup git set upstream to origin/current-branch


Abbreviation Command
gco git checkout
gcod git checkout develop
gcom git checkout master
gcb git checkout -b


Abbreviation Command
gc git commit -v
gc! git commit -v --amend
gcn! git commit -v --no-edit --amend
gca git commit -v -a
gca! git commit -v -a --amend
gcan! git commit -v -a --no-edit --amend
gcm git commit -m
gcam git commit -a -m
gscam git commit -S -a -m


Abbreviation Command
gfb git flow bugfix
gff git flow feature
gfr git flow release
gfh git flow hotfix
gfs git flow support
gfbs git flow bugfix start
gffs git flow feature start
gfrs git flow release start
gfhs git flow hotfix start
gfss git flow support start
gfbt git flow bugfix track
gfft git flow feature track
gfrt git flow release track
gfht git flow hotfix track
gfst git flow support track
gfp git flow publish


Abbreviation Command
gcount git shortlog -sn
glg git log --stat --max-count=10
glgg git log --graph --max-count=10
glgga git log --graph --decorate --all
glo git log --oneline --decorate --color
gloo git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %Cred%ad %Cblue%an%Cgreen%d %Creset%s' --date=short
glog git log --oneline --decorate --color --graph
glp git log at requested pretty level
gwch git whatchanged -p --abbrev-commit --pretty=medium

Push & Pull

Abbreviation Command
gl git pull
ggl pull origin current-branch
gup git pull --rebase
gp git push
gp! git push --force-with-lease
gpv git push --no-verify
gpv! git push --no-verify --force-with-lease
ggp push origin current-branch
gpoat push all + tags to origin
ggpnp pull & push origin current-branch
gpu git push --set-upsteam origin current-branch


Abbreviation Command
grb git rebase
grba git rebase --abort
grbc git rebase --continue
grbi git rebase --interactive
grbm git rebase master
grbs git rebase --skip
ggu fetch & rebase current-branch on top of the upstream branch


Abbreviation Command
gr git remote -vv
grmv git remote rename
grrm git remote remove
grset git remote set-url
grup git remote update
grv git remote -v

Stash & Work in Progress

Abbreviation Command
gsta git stash
gstd git stash drop
gstp git stash pop
gsts git stash show --text
gwip commit a work-in-progress branch
gunwip uncommit the work-in-progress branch

Everything Else

Abbreviation Command
g git
ga git add
gaa git add --all
gapa git add --patch
gcf list git configuration
gcl git clone
gclean pristine working directory: reset and force clean
gcp git cherry-pick
gd git diff
gdca git diff --cached
gds git diff --stat
gdsc git diff --stat --cached
gdv pipe git diff to view command
gignore git update-index --assume-unchanged
gignored list temporarily ignored files
gf git fetch
gfa git fetch --all --prune
gfm git fetch origin master --prune; and git merge FETCH_HEAD
gfo git fetch origin
gm git merge
gmt git mergetool --no-prompt
grh git reset HEAD
grhh git reset HEAD --hard
grt cd into the top of the current repository or submodule
gsh git show
gsd git svn dcommit
gsr git svn rebase
gss git status -s
gst git status
gunignore git update-index --no-assume-unchanged


MIT © James Hillyerd et al