
A slot machine for your terminal

How does this work?

The slot machine has 3 wheels. Each time you spin, each wheel lands on a symbol. Your goal is to get each wheel on the same symbol with luck. If you do so, you win double your bet.

How do you play?

First of all, make sure you have python installed. Any version should work, as long as it is version 3.x. You can just run the file like you would run any python file and enjoy!

Options include:

  • spin, spins the wheels,
  • bet, change your bet,
  • resetChips, reset your chips to 100,
  • and exit, quits the game and prints out a friendly message


I know there might be a few bugs I might not have spotted. If there are any and you might know how to fix them, please feel free to submit a pull request. If you don't want to or can't fix the issue, please create an issue and we can work on it. Happy playing!