
Repository for different Windows DFIR related CMDs, PowerShell CMDlets, etc, plus workshops that I did for different conferences or events.

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Windows DFIR

Repository for different Windows DFIR related CMDs, PowerShell CMDlets, etc, plus workshops that I did for different conferences or events.

Timestamps in UTC

Get-ChildItem \<PATH\> -Force | Select-Object FullName, CreationTimeUTC, LastAccessTimeUTC, LastWriteTimeUTC

Timestamps in local time

Get-ChildItem \<PATH\> -Force | Select-Object FullName, CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime

Hash Values (MD5, SHA1, and SHA256)

Get-FileHash \<PATH\> -Algorithm MD5 | Format-List

Get-FileHash \<PATH\> -Algorithm SHA1 | Format-List

Get-FileHash \<PATH\> -Algorithm SHA256 | Format-List

Find location of executable in PATH (similar to which on Linux Systems)

where executablename

Merge two CSV files

Get-Content LNK_User1.csv, LNK_User2.csv | Select-Object -Unique | Set-Content -Encoding ASCII LNK_Users.csv

Create Symbolic Links to Multiple files. Useful to process files that reside in Known Folders

  • Check the file "createSymLinks.ps1" and from where it was found.
  • More info about Known Folders: URL


  • BSides Amman 2021, all files here: URL