
Provision a Kubernetes cluster using Vagrant, Virtualbox and Ansible with 3 Master Nodes, 2 Worker Nodes and a Load Balancer

Primary LanguageShell


Provision a High Availability Multi Master Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS servers using Vagrant, Virtualbox and Ansible with the following configuration:

  • 3 Kubernetes master nodes that manage the cluster
  • 2 Kubernetes worker nodes where the Docker containers will be deployed to
  • 1 HAProxy Load Balancer to achieve High Availability across the master nodes

With a default Kubernetes configuration, no external IP addresses are assigned when a LoadBalancer service is created.

Fortunately MetalLB solves this problem, and has been implented to allow external IP addresses to be assigned to Load Balancers in the Kubernetes Cluster.

The configuration can be viewed on Github.


At least the following hardware resources will be required on the host machine that will be running the VirtualBox guest VMs:

VM CPU Memory
k8s-lb 1 768MB
k8s-master-1 2 2GB
k8s-master-2 2 2GB
k8s-master-3 2 2GB
k8s-worker-1 1 768MB
k8s-worker-2 1 768MB
TOTAL 5 8.25GB

Clone the GitHub Repository

Run the following command from the terminal to clone the GitHub Repository:

git clone https://github.com/ashleykleynhans/vagrant-ansible-k8s.git

Install Required Software

Begin by installing the homebrew package manager, which works on both Mac and Ubuntu Linux. May work on other Linux distributions but has not bee n tested.

Run the following command from the terminal to install homebrew:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

All of the remaining software can be installed by cloning the git repository and running the setup script provided.

Run the setup script from the terminal to install the required software:


Managing the Stack

Begin by ensuring that you are in the directory which the Github Repository was cloned to:

cd vagrant-ansible-k8s

Starting the Stack

This will provision the following Virtual Box VMs using Vagrant and Ansible:

VM Name Description
k8s-lb HAProxy Load Balancer to ensure High Availability
k8s-master-1 Kubernetes Primary Master Node
k8s-master-2 Kubernetes Secondary Master Node
k8s-master-3 Kubernetes Secondary Master Node
k8s-worker-1 Kubernetes Worker where Docker Containers wll run
k8s-worker-2 Kubernetes Worker where Docker Containers wll run
vagrant up

Stopping the Stack

vagrant halt

Deleting the Stack

vagrant destroy -f

Deploying an Application

SSH to one of the k8s masters:

vagrant ssh k8s-master-1

Then run the following command to deploy 2 pods running nginx to the k8s cluster:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ashleykleynhans/vagrant-ansible-k8s/master/k8s/deployment.yml

Then deploy a service that will use MetalLB to expose the nginx application outside of the k8s cluster:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ashleykleynhans/vagrant-ansible-k8s/master/k8s/service.yml

Now you will be able to access nginx through your web browser at: