
node module that scales a number from one range to another

Primary LanguageJavaScript


inspired by the Map function in Processing. This module scales a number from one range to another


Build Status codecov


$ npm install range-map

Example Usage

var rangeMap = require("range-map");

var mapped = rangeMap(50, 0, 100, 0, 1000);

//mapped == 500

var clampMapped = rangeMap(500, 0, 100, 0, 1000, true);

//clampMapped == 1000


mapped(input, inputLowest, inputHighest, outputLowest, outputHighest, [clamped=false])

returns a number that has been rounded with Math.round() The ranges will also work with negative numbers.

If clamped is truthy then output value will be clamped to the minimum and maximum output values.